Author Topic: NYE Video?  (Read 7872 times)


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NYE Video?
« on: April 11, 2004, 11:47:01 am »
Is the New Years Video going to be officialy released, and when can we expect it.  Im not trying to rush you guys, I am just curious.  Oh yeah and I want to see a nasty PB video.


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Re: NYE Video?
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2004, 02:26:45 pm »
Originally posted by Lerherbles
Is the New Years Video going to be officialy released, and when can we expect it.  Im not trying to rush you guys, I am just curious.  Oh yeah and I want to see a nasty PB video.

I would say the entire project is 1/3 of the way done, but it has been slowed down quite a bit due to computer hardware issues. I have had my 3 main computers die on me in the last 2 months because of bad motherbaords. I want to have the video completely edited by june or july at the latest so i can film and start working on another major video project like this one.

I think josh approved for an hour of the show to air on Groove TV in Santca Cruz, CA (, and North Haven Public Access (which was an obligation for borrowing video cameras). NHTV may only be airing a half hour of the video. I havent talked to those guys since i borrowed the cameras, so i dont really remember. We are not really supposed to be trading video because the band may want to sell it some day or use the video in some kind of other project. The episodes of Groove TV are hosted on their website through in mpeg-1 format, which is just a little below vhs quality. Its not that bad for watching on the computer. If the PB video is accepted it would help them a lot because its a pretty popular program, especially online. I dont think it would be a problem because the band just won the jammy plus the video already looks so much better than anything i have have seen on groove tv so far.

When the whole thing is done maybe dave or someone else with a really big television will have some people over their house so we can all get together and watch it, but no one will be getting dvd-r copies without the bands permission.


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NYE Video?
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2004, 04:03:03 pm »
Thanks for clearing that up Chris, that Groove TV episode would be sweet.


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Re: Re: NYE Video?
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2004, 05:31:17 pm »
Originally posted by ChrisF
North Haven Public Access (which was an obligation for borrowing video cameras). NHTV may only be airing a half hour of the video. I havent talked to those guys since i borrowed the cameras, so i dont really remember.

how\'d you finagle the equipment from NHTV??? over the past couple of years some friends and i have been writing emails to them cause we wanted to create some programs to have them air. we never got even one reply! that is puzzling because NHTV has nothin but crap for programming! how many clowns have their own pro-wrestling talk shows??? it\'s ridiculous!! i would definitely like to see some breakfast on there...

i think one of the first times i saw pb was on public access...i think it was on this east haven or branford show, "tom talks to stan"

are there similar plans for the footage from the porter\'s show??? now that would be SER!!!


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NYE Video?
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2004, 05:35:49 pm »
ouch, sorry to hear about those motherboards
what kind of systems are you working on?
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NYE Video?
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2004, 05:51:45 pm »
i have a musicxpc that i use for editing video and recording and mixing in protools. i probably screwed it up on my own from constantly unplugging and plugging in firewire cables . the firewire inputs are what died on the motherboard. i have dell and gateways that also needed motherboard replacents. the gateway is 3 years old and it kept locking up on me when i was trying to log onto windows xp. gateway just replaced my motherboard for me. i dont know what was causing the problem. The warranty expired 5 days after it broke, so i am h\\appy it happened when it did.  on my dell the ethernet cable would not plug in and stay locked in place so they replaced the motherboard. and the dell laptop i use for work died completely and it needs a new motherboard, but the warranty just expired so i am not going to do anything about it.


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Re: Re: Re: NYE Video?
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2004, 06:13:26 pm »
Originally posted by bluefunknebula
how\'d you finagle the equipment from NHTV??? over the past couple of years some friends and i have been writing emails to them cause we wanted to create some programs to have them air. we never got even one reply!

are there similar plans for the footage from the porter\'s show??? now that would be SER!!!

NHTV is very cool. if you call them up and talk to them they will go out of their way to help you any way they can (234-0025 - ask for walter mann).

Doing a NYE video project was a last minute decision that Matt and I made because paul was not going to the show and we were completely new to video. We were asking everyone we knew, but were having trouble getting enough cameras. My friend Ben who works at wallingford public access said he may be able to get analog camcorders for us to borrow and we were going to settle for those. That didnt work out so i went online looking for towns in CT that i might have friends in that have public access with digital camcorders.

At that point it was 12/30/03 and east haven, fairfield, and cheshire were all closed for the holidays. NHTV was the only place open and i went there with my friend mike who lives in the town. I told them that i was not even from north haven and that i would be paying for any damages to the camcorders if anything happened, and that mike would only be helping in a small part a the project. They let me borrow them anyway, and signed them out to both of us.


Porter\'s will probably never be seen by anyone in its entirity. The lighting was terrible, mainly because there were almost no lights. Plus the camera angles arent that good. Porters has no stage, so you can barley see the band in the wide shot because some people in the audience are taller than the band. The camera on the left pretty much only got ron. Paul did a pretty good job filming everything that the other cameras missed on the right side. he sacrificed a night of fun doing it too. I couldnt imagine running a camcorder without a tripod for 2 sets. I had a hard enough time running a camera for the 45 mins i did on nye. Pauls camera had the best lighting and that shot will probably be what saves the video. i havent watched it all the way thru, so i dont so i have no idea how it will come out. Maybe a song or two from porters will show up as a special feature on the new years dvd if there is room. I would also like to use part of the halloween video as well.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2004, 06:20:31 pm by ChrisF »


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NYE Video?
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2004, 06:59:52 pm »
thanks chris! sounds like calling them or going there in person will do the trick then. i wonder if they\'d have audio equipment to lend out too...i\'m guessing the camera mics aren\'t very good for loud music.


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NYE Video?
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2004, 07:17:04 pm »
Originally posted by bluefunknebula
thanks chris! sounds like calling them or going there in person will do the trick then. i wonder if they\'d have audio equipment to lend out too...i\'m guessing the camera mics aren\'t very good for loud music.

I dont think they would have any mics for recording music.


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NYE Video?
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2004, 07:35:08 pm »
Depending on the type of camera. Some have XLR\'s bulit in (High End) other like Sony\'s etc I have just recently come accross a XLR to sony mini plug with phantom power and selectable gain and they weren\'t that expensive.
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