There were so many great things from this episode. Gob was all around MVP (Most Viable Putz) for his suit rants and his stuttering fit, which was hilarious. I love Egg/Plant/Ann/Plain/Yam\'s holiday signing party, mom\'s answering machine montage when Tobias is painting himself, and when Michael and George Michael start inadvertantly singing Afternoon Delight at the end, then realize it, and say "it really doesn\'t sound that dirty," then the show ends. Plus, the cartoon for Afternoon Deelite pot was great with the snail riding on top of the turtle.
I also think it\'s great that this thread has finally eclipsed the 100-post, 1000-view mark after a long time. Way back when this thread started and AD looked on the verge of getting axed, I figured this thread would go the way of the dodo bird. But now, even though ratings are still lukewarm in the 60\'s, the show is clearly on a roll and the thread has followed. Top-notch. Can\'t wait for the second watch.