went through my 2nd viewings of both last night..
the uncomfortable laughs at buster\'s hand jokes were awesome..
\'Then go to her. Ask for her hand.\'
\'Yeah, and maybe I’ll get one for my brother while I’m at it.
\'Get him out of here. Get him out of here...
i the first episode, when George Sr. & Michael are in the attic talking about Buster going to Iraq, George Sr. says something like \'i\'ll never get to touch that hand again\' as \'jaws\' plays in the background..
\'You\'re HIGH!!\'
\'You\'re DRUNK!!\'
\'We’re just having a little fun, you know.\'
\'I think that church and studying are fun. I thought you felt the same.\'
\'Well, I do. I like not having fun. I like your idea of fun... I mean, our idea of fun. I like not having that.\'
\'I got Michael out of his marriage, didn’t I?\'
\'Actually she died.\'
\'You’re kidding me. I’ve been taking credit for that for years.\'
\'Hey, let’s save it for the stand, okay, Tom Jane.\' rotfl
\'All I could see was her giant chest. Box. She had this... Some people call it a chest; I call it a box.\'
\'Seems like only yesterday you were bursting forth from your mother’s fertile womb.\'
\'Hi, Maggie. Are you blind again?\'
\'For the pizza guy. I give him a five, I tell him to keep the change.\'
\'Sally Sitwell? You know, I think I had her little play oven.\'
\'It’s a funny name, but she’s a doll.\'
\'Yeah. I had one. You pull her hair, she’d cry or something.\'
\'This one kinda does that, too.\'
\'It’s been fun... not.\'
\'The Bronco’s been discontinued. We’re trying to shed that whole fugitive on the run thing. This is the Escape.\' rotfl
\'You need more juice. Where’s the juice?!
Give my son the juice!\'
\'I mean, a seal didn’t bite your Linus off, did it?\'
\'I did this. I think that the seal with the yellow bow tie might be the one that I released into the sea after giving it the taste for mammal blood.\'
\'Okay, you’ve got a better case than Mom does.\'
\'Okay, now I’m just lying for no reason.\'
\'Is this our little bundle of... two gay cops’ baby.\'
when buster is sitting on this bench, all that shows is \'ARM OFF\' :lol: