ive been pretty absent from the live music jam band scene (minus phish) for the past year, due to trying to wrap up my thesis work, no money, no time, etc. However...some bands that have really impressed me in the past couple years, and some bands i tihnk are still going strong and would go out and see are as follows:
Otis Grove (really really good, most impressed out of all)
Kung Fu (obviously)
Disco Biscuits
Consider the Source (really like them)
As many of you guys have said here, lots of other bands have bit the dust in the past couple years. I really think Phish coming back had a lot to do with it. I\'m a perfect example...now that phish is touring, I\'d rather save my money and go see them 5x a year rather than seeing lots of 2nd/3rd tier jam bands 20x per year. Hey, I LOVE the breakfast, but lets do the math...I saw them 14 times in 2008; phish comes back in march 2009, I think I saw TB about 8 times that year, 2010 maybe 4, 2011 0 (ouch)!
Also, i think the music festivals are getting stale. There are wayyy to many of them now, and I just dont have the energy or money anymore to run myself into the ground for 3 days at a place like camp creek, for example.
The Breakfast gave me some of if not the most memorable times of my life, but its a new day now. We\'re getting older, and a lot of the bands we love aren\'t playing anymore.