Gencs, is this thread spawned from discussions within the inner circle or simply from your own thoughts?
First off, I would never break a trust like that.....
Secondly, I\'ve been so far out of the loop for the past 2 years, I have no idea how to get to the inner circle....
Sorry, but TB has gone the way of Max Creek... TB is the driving force... I saw this coming a long time ago sitting in Josh\'s driveway before an Uncle Sam Jam... TB is one of my favorite bands, but if these guys want to make a living past scraping from one gig to the next, they need to move on to what\'s going to get them there... And for Tim and Adrian, it\'s Kung Fu...
It hurts to say this, but Yoda,I agree with you. and honestly, it hurts to say this even more but, Max Creek still has more drawing power than The Breakfast......
The Breakfast are still playing Breakfast shows because they want to. Over the past 10 years or so there were a few times when I wasn\'t sure if they were really into it. I don\'t believe that\'s the case anymore.
For real, there\'s no way anybody in the band was thinking "Fuck, god damn it, if it weren\'t for these 400 gypsies we could be doing something else besides playing our own festival"
Or "For the love of God, if only this crowd of 500-600 people raging at the Big Up weren\'t totally rocking out to our music right now, we could just stop playing in this terrible band, this is no fun at all"
I don\'t get all this about setting anyone free.
Lets call a spade a spade here....and I give Bonsall so much credit for doing what he\'s done with Breakfest, but a keg party in the woods is not a festival....Will it ever grow into an actual festival, I believe Andrew has the vision and now with a couple years behind him, potentially the ability to make it a real festival....first thing would be getting it at an acutual festival friendly site. Its hard to sell tickets to a venue that has no real automobile access.....
Nobody is arguing that the breakfast doesnt fuck shit up every single time they step on stage......but there is a reason there are a ton of dicks drawn on the walls of the green room in the webster theater. "if you cant draw a crowd, draw a dick" and can we please face the fact that attendence is the real issue with the success of the band? There is just not enough people with interest in the breakfast to sustain a realistic shot at making a realistic living out of it. Please do not read this as a shot at the band or its fans. It is a business, and if it isnt making money, whats the point?