i have to say to some people on this board, i don\'t know whether you are friends, fans, or enemies. really.
consider yourselves lucky to get to listen to music that you enjoy. i consider myself lucky to make music with the breakfast. consider yourselves lucky to sit down at your computer and watch a band play live across the country.
also consider yourselves lucky we don\'t come to your place of work, critique everything, bitch and moan, and insult you while saying we are supportive.
consider all points of view other than your own.
be considerate.
thanks matt and ken for all the work you have done for us.
and for the haters, goooooooo fuuuuuuuck yooooouuuuuurseeeeeeelllllllvvvvvveeeeessssss.
now back to my hobby.
p.s. 4th week after party in New Haven. ask me for details.