i worked a 24 hour shift at the firehouse on sunday, immediatly followed by a solid twelve hour day servicing three different clients, ate dinner, and showed up. WE ALL HAVE JOBS!
(and that was even after getting told to go fuck myself!
oh yeah.....and i\'m at work today! you?
I have this new rule about negative vibes. And that is totally falling under that.
I am the happiest i\'ve been in a long time. I had a horrible year last year. A year I would never wish on my worst enemy. This job has really changed me and myself. I love my days. This has been the greatest 3 weeks of my life. I have a new lease on life. But I am also very very very tired.
I\'ve worked a lot these last two weeks, and working a lot this week. And working a lot this weekend. Today is my only day off. Sorry, I passed out last night at 12. Sorry, I couldn\'t drive there last night.
but thanks to Fitz, I was able to enjoy part of the show before I fell asleep. So thank you, Chris. You unknowingly added a wonderful and positive vibe to my day yesterday
So thank you.
People on the livestream are fans too.