fair episode. i\'ll cut it some slack seeing as the season premiers usually aren\'t very hard-hitting.
i find the lack of meadow disturbing already. aj\'s horrific drumming gets more screen time than meadow?? come on.. :no:
i do like the way aj is developing though. he\'s showing that he\'s really bitter towards mom & dad about the seperation.. not sure where that will go, but it\'s good development nonetheless. and seeing him cave at the sight of the bear was amusing.. \'MOMMY!!!\'
definitely not melfi\'s ass, but hey, she can dream, right? :lol: it\'ll be interesting to see if she can keep her cool with tony, or if she\'ll let herself go..
interesting to have paulie and chris talking about pine barrens, even though it\'s been confirmed that that storyline was over and not coming back.. hmm..
did janice and bobby get married?? looks that way..
are the fish & game guys feds? could be..
looking forward to next week. previews look strong, though last season proved that the previews can be
very misleading... but is this season\'s episode 2 is half as good as last season\'s, look out!