igamousactisulertaq if yer a fan of the hearty breakfast, like smoakin, and don\'t know "de howob\'de rokkit", coomdoun ta Porter\'s, nothin\' like smoakin\' breakfast, eh?tho disbe dated hippies ain\'t ded,yit, theys bin co-opted. the diggers knew to keep alive, the poorestn\' richest too, by food, clothes, n\'love. once we\'re done with our toeyz its the welfare of others, together. Planetfalls- church of spirited carbon; philosophyn\' sacramental toolsn\' acessorees fer de handicapped smoaker.
golf, a game that should be played with a bent stickn\'a ded berd. you should hevtaget the damned berd first.{rokkit\'s dislike of golf as the first macho fakeoutenvironment pisses me ratouf!} o\'corse,speakin to persons enamoored of the game is stranger yet, but bein\' on the caddies\' side, i believe the false turnup makes caddies severe, players pals, heavyclubs to bagtop, what non-sense izzat? yow zoots to the fence. we\'ll get by, i need my Breakfast Muzicsea?