Author Topic: No one freaking on the Healthcare Bill?  (Read 7383 times)


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No one freaking on the Healthcare Bill?
« Reply #75 on: March 26, 2010, 12:14:32 pm »
. It\'s the governments job to look after it\'s people.

Show me where it says this in the U.S. Constitution. You can\'t because it\'s not in there. Why should I pay for health care for some loser? If they can\'t make it on their own then let them go the way extinct animals who couldn\'t make it went. I\'m sick of paying for you losers.


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No one freaking on the Healthcare Bill?
« Reply #76 on: March 26, 2010, 12:42:51 pm »
Quote from: leith;254937

I don\'t have healthcare because of the cost and I dare
you to tell me I don\'t work my ass off. I am stoked I will finally be able to find some
kind of affordable healthcare that is not cost prohibitive due to my pre existing conditions.
like my vertigo.

leith, i would never dare say you don\'t work hard.  you\'re in another continent right now ;) I completely understand.  I did not have healthcare for the majority of the last decade because of the cost myself.  And I paid out of pocket many times.  Been there, done that.. I am very lucky right now to be in a different circumstance.  Like i said earlier, not against healthcare reform, we need to do something about the entire industry...not just insurance. doctors. pharms, etc.  i am against universal healthcare and this bill.


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No one freaking on the Healthcare Bill?
« Reply #77 on: March 26, 2010, 12:44:03 pm »
Quote from: sargoniv;254939
. It\'s the governments job to look after it\'s people.

Show me where it says this in the U.S. Constitution. You can\'t because it\'s not in there. Why should I pay for health care for some loser? If they can\'t make it on their own then let them go the way extinct animals who couldn\'t make it went. I\'m sick of paying for you losers.

From the U.S. Constitution:

“Section 8 - Powers of Congress

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States … .”

If a socialized Federal military is OK, then socialized health passes muster as well.
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No one freaking on the Healthcare Bill?
« Reply #78 on: March 26, 2010, 01:03:18 pm »
Quote from: SkyePrizm;254933

I said i was done with the argument but i will say one last thing:   no, i am not mad because other kids want to "play in my sandbox".  I just don\'t think I or we or my family or my neighbors should have to pay for that sandbox through crazy taxes.  Not that I go tanning, but a 10% tax on that?  Pretty redic.  And that is just a small example of things that will be taxed now.  Lot of things are squished into that fine print.  .

You are already subsidizing poor people via OUTRAGOUS healthcare cost.  A hospital bandaid cost $15 because it\'s (product cost + delivery charge + liability to cover the 10% that can\'t pay for it).

The tanning tax could not be high enough.  It should be 100%.  They should be call cancer beds, and getting in one should involve forfeiting your right to ever get treated for skin cancer.

Quote from: SkyePrizm;254933

My husband has magic insurance because he worked hard, got a good job.  Maybe when they were passing out the careers you should have chosen another line. I know I was in the wrong line. its not my fault or america\'s fault you chose a job career path in an industry and company that cheats you of proper benefits. Its your company\'s fault.  Its the insurance\'s fault.  Its a mass conspiracy of doctors, pharmaceuticals, insurance, etc.  Blame them.  Not the american people who have worked hard to get ahead and be part of the thriving middle class.  Not fair to pull us all down and create unnecessary taxation..

I don\'t work hard?  I don\'t have a good job?  You don\'t know the first fucking thing about me, so don\'t assume I don\'t have a damn good job and I won\'t assume anything about you or your NARC husband.

Quote from: SkyePrizm;254933

And finally, are we really going to help the sick?  I saw a homeless man in new haven yesterday who could barely walk begging for money. is he actually going to get proper care?  I don\'t think so.  Will he even get to the hospital? I dont think so. We have such bigger issues on hand in this country.  Sorry you have to pay high rates for your insurance.  But at least you have a home and a place to sleep at night.  If they want to tax me to build homeless shelters, tax me away.  If you want to tax me to help the VA or vets, tax me away.  I just can\'t fathom taxing me to help whiners like you.

Cause in the end, that\'s whose sandbox we really are paying for.  Greedy individuals who want more.  I doubt in the end the money will go to the truly sick.  It never does.

Not with selfish people walking around saying "I got mine, fuck all y\'all" we\'ll never fix the system.


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No one freaking on the Healthcare Bill?
« Reply #79 on: March 26, 2010, 01:15:54 pm »
Quote from: SlimPickens;254945
Quote from: SkyePrizm;254933

I said i was done with the argument but i will say one last thing:   no, i am not mad because other kids want to "play in my sandbox".  I just don\'t think I or we or my family or my neighbors should have to pay for that sandbox through crazy taxes.  Not that I go tanning, but a 10% tax on that?  Pretty redic.  And that is just a small example of things that will be taxed now.  Lot of things are squished into that fine print.  .

You are already subsidizing poor people via OUTRAGOUS healthcare cost.  A hospital bandaid cost $15 because it\'s (product cost + delivery charge + liability to cover the 10% that can\'t pay for it).

The tanning tax could not be high enough.  It should be 100%.  They should be call cancer beds, and getting in one should involve forfeiting your right to ever get treated for skin cancer.

Why should it be 100%?? We live in america. if someone wants to give themselves skin cancer cause they like to be artificially orange, then let them.  Its america.  Freedom.

Quote from: SlimPickens;254945
I don\'t work hard?  I don\'t have a good job?  You don\'t know the first fucking thing about me, so don\'t assume I don\'t have a damn good job and I won\'t assume anything about you or your NARC husband.

Exactly. you don\'t know the first thing about me. can dish it? but can\'t take it?  i see.

I am sure you work really hard sitting at a desk. I have no doubt.  And i love how you have to put in my "narc" husband.  Mmmkay.  You really have just made it clear that you have issues more with my husband\'s line of work than the fact we have "cadilliac" insurance.  And I was the one being called bratty and ignorant?  Okay then.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2010, 01:22:02 pm by SkyePrizm »


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No one freaking on the Healthcare Bill?
« Reply #80 on: March 26, 2010, 01:49:22 pm »
Quote from: SkyePrizm;254949

Exactly. you don\'t know the first thing about me. can dish it? but can\'t take it?  i see.

I am sure you work really hard sitting at a desk. I have no doubt.  And i love how you have to put in my "narc" husband.  Mmmkay.  You really have just made it clear that you have issues more with my husband\'s line of work than the fact we have "cadilliac" insurance.  And I was the one being called bratty and ignorant?  Okay then.

I\'ve been nothing but respectful with my arguments on this matter.  But you talk like your husband is a saint and the only person that works hard or has a good job.  Great... he\'s keeping our streets safe.  That job is no more important TO ME then any other job out there, from bank tellers to computer engineers.  They all make my world go round and round.

Yeah, I got a great desk job... then I have another job working on my feet... big freakin deal.  

But you can\'t seem to connect the dots.  The only reason why you have Cadillac insurance isn\'t because yer poppy wears a cape to work.  It\'s because OUR government negotiated that insurance coverage by essentially being a large pool with great negotiating power, paid for by OUR tax dollars.

My point in this whole healthcare debate is that I\'d prefer to take the money I pay my insurance company (a FOR PROFIT organization), and give it to my government (a non profit organization) that can use it for my healthcare in a non profit kind of way.

In the end I won\'t be looked at as a "for profit" mathematical formula that needs to have a positive bottom line.


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No one freaking on the Healthcare Bill?
« Reply #81 on: March 26, 2010, 05:07:32 pm »
Once again I\'ll break a promise to myself and dive in here.

Maybe someone already mentioned this, but damned if I\'m reading all this.

This health care really benefits the self employed/small business owner.  Paying for this stuff while starting a business is a huge obstacle. Imagine the next Bill Gates wasting his talent because he needs to stay in his crappy corporate job so his kids have health care. This could be great for our economy. It\'s worth the risk on that alone.

I say this as someone formerly self employed, but also as someone who now has one of those "magic" health plans.

It doesn\'t bother me to pay for this. Aforementioned economic benefits aside, it\'s just the right thing to do.
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experienced the loss and pain I have experienced,
I transcend race, hombre.


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No one freaking on the Healthcare Bill?
« Reply #82 on: March 26, 2010, 05:16:21 pm »
This morning I was awoken by my alarm clock powered by electricity generated by the public power monopoly regulated by the US Dept of Energy. I then took a shower in the clean water provided by the municipal water utility. After that, I turned on the TV to one of the FCC regulated channels to see what the National Weather Service of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration determined the weather was going to be like using satelites designed, built, and launched by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. I watched this while eating my breakfast of US Dept of Agriculture inspected food and taking the medications which have been determined safe by the FDA.
At the appropriate time, as regulated by the US Congress and kept accurate by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the US Naval Observatory, I get into my NHTSA-approved automobile and set out to work on the roads built by the local, state, and federal Departments of Transportaion, possibly stopping to purchase additional fuel of a quality level determined by the EPA, using legal tender issued by the Federal Reserve Bank. On the way out the door I deposit any mail I have to be sent via the US Postal Service and drop the kids off at Public School.
After work, I drive my NHTSA car back home via the DOT roads, to my house which has not burned down in my absense because of the State and Local codes and Fire Marshall\'s inspection, and which has not been plundered of all it\'s valubles thanks to the local police department.
I then log on to the internet which was develeoped by defense advanced research projects administration and go on to read about how SOCIALISM in medicine is BAD because the government cant do anything right.


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No one freaking on the Healthcare Bill?
« Reply #83 on: March 26, 2010, 06:19:39 pm »
Skye I work in IT.

I noticed that you completely ignored my point about living off the government teat. You throw some emotional argument about your husband being a cop. So what. lots of people are cops. Am I supposed to bow down and lick his balls because he decided it was a good career choice ? My dad is / was a cop (fed) and so was my grand father.

I have to pay for the police, teachers, fire dept, libraries, government workers etc etc etc etc etc. I use little or non of the services that they provide. It is called living in a community / society. I know it is hard to understand for some but it is what it is. You keep talking about lazy Americans. Can you give me an example of lazy Americans ? and how much of the percentage of the uninsured do you really think they make up ?

I wonder if you really understand the BS that goes on in the INS field. For example people who have really good policies that they have had for years, they move, the INS company uses change of address to cancel the policy so they can jack the rates. People who find out they have cancer, only to be told that when they went to have shoulder surgery 2 months prior the doctor should have discovered it - Pre existing illness policy cancelled. These are not lazy people, they are people how have INS who get fucked. INS companies are not in business to help people, they are in business to maximize profits.

You mention you have gone to the doctor 8 times recently. Do you really feel comfortable saying that they haven\'t opened a file on you to figure out how to deny your claims or looking for any discrepancies they can use to invalidate your policy ? Would it surprise you to find out this is standard operating procedure in most INS companies ?

I assume that you know that the majority of bankruptcies in the USA are due to medical expenses. Not folks who don\'t have INS but folks who do who find out that it doesn\'t cover much of anything.

I think you would be surprised what isn\'t and as covered by your great policy. I would bet there are caps on what is covered, how much, yearly out put etc etc.

My INS policy alone has gone up over %40 in the past few years. And I have it through work. It is the single most expensive thing that MOST people have to pay for if their lucky enough to have a boss who gives them benefits. Good forbid you try to buy it on your own.

Not only is it a sham of an industry but it is killing our economy.

It is also fairly funny that every industrialized society has universal health coverage except us. All of them have some form or another.

I really don\'t think you are really looking at the big picture. And for full disclosure I also in a round about way get tax payer $$ but I am not the one arguing against healthcare for all. If you lost your job and weren\'t married i woudl want you to be able to go and get checked out. Same for your husband or anyone else. Do we really want a bunch of people wandering the streets with illness and feelings of helplessness with no where to turn ?

Perhaps if we stopped spending $$ on tons of silly things like the war on terror, drugs, etc etc people wouldn\'t be more willing to do it. You know 1 year of Iraq was enough to insure every american for like 10 years. think about that for a moment.
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  • Weird Ken Yankodic
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No one freaking on the Healthcare Bill?
« Reply #84 on: March 26, 2010, 10:31:23 pm »
A Government of the people, by the people, for the people...
« Last Edit: March 26, 2010, 10:57:25 pm by KEN RAFLOWITZ »


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No one freaking on the Healthcare Bill?
« Reply #85 on: March 28, 2010, 08:49:45 pm »
hmmm... let me think about this..
people who got free shit in the past..
will continue to get free shit in the future...
I will continue to pay for it.
Whats changed exactly?

Seriously though.. If this means that many people who deservedly should have Health Care will and if lives may be save as a result.. I\'m ok.
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No one freaking on the Healthcare Bill?
« Reply #86 on: March 29, 2010, 12:03:02 am »
None of us even know what the heck the healthcare bill is, anyway!
The people against it don\'t even know what it is.
The people who voted for it don\'t even know what it is.
A few changes will be made.
This is something that will be put together along the way, to see what is proper and what works.
What is in the passed printed document is open for changes.
This is just a stepping stone to maybe lead to a better way of doing things.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2010, 12:20:53 am by KEN RAFLOWITZ »