Skye I work in IT.
I noticed that you completely ignored my point about living off the government teat. You throw some emotional argument about your husband being a cop. So what. lots of people are cops. Am I supposed to bow down and lick his balls because he decided it was a good career choice ? My dad is / was a cop (fed) and so was my grand father.
I have to pay for the police, teachers, fire dept, libraries, government workers etc etc etc etc etc. I use little or non of the services that they provide. It is called living in a community / society. I know it is hard to understand for some but it is what it is. You keep talking about lazy Americans. Can you give me an example of lazy Americans ? and how much of the percentage of the uninsured do you really think they make up ?
I wonder if you really understand the BS that goes on in the INS field. For example people who have really good policies that they have had for years, they move, the INS company uses change of address to cancel the policy so they can jack the rates. People who find out they have cancer, only to be told that when they went to have shoulder surgery 2 months prior the doctor should have discovered it - Pre existing illness policy cancelled. These are not lazy people, they are people how have INS who get fucked. INS companies are not in business to help people, they are in business to maximize profits.
You mention you have gone to the doctor 8 times recently. Do you really feel comfortable saying that they haven\'t opened a file on you to figure out how to deny your claims or looking for any discrepancies they can use to invalidate your policy ? Would it surprise you to find out this is standard operating procedure in most INS companies ?
I assume that you know that the majority of bankruptcies in the USA are due to medical expenses. Not folks who don\'t have INS but folks who do who find out that it doesn\'t cover much of anything.
I think you would be surprised what isn\'t and as covered by your great policy. I would bet there are caps on what is covered, how much, yearly out put etc etc.
My INS policy alone has gone up over %40 in the past few years. And I have it through work. It is the single most expensive thing that MOST people have to pay for if their lucky enough to have a boss who gives them benefits. Good forbid you try to buy it on your own.
Not only is it a sham of an industry but it is killing our economy.
It is also fairly funny that every industrialized society has universal health coverage except us. All of them have some form or another.
I really don\'t think you are really looking at the big picture. And for full disclosure I also in a round about way get tax payer $$ but I am not the one arguing against healthcare for all. If you lost your job and weren\'t married i woudl want you to be able to go and get checked out. Same for your husband or anyone else. Do we really want a bunch of people wandering the streets with illness and feelings of helplessness with no where to turn ?
Perhaps if we stopped spending $$ on tons of silly things like the war on terror, drugs, etc etc people wouldn\'t be more willing to do it. You know 1 year of Iraq was enough to insure every american for like 10 years. think about that for a moment.