so what\'s this place like? (i always ask that) Besides the boobs apparently. My cousin is coming in from RI and we are going to stop by.
its a wicked tiny place... the phrase "hole in the wall" comes to mind. Despite the boobs that the website claims... its kind of just a local valley townie bar. I don\'t ever remember there being that much cleavage present at one time, but if my memory serves me correctly there are a bunch of bras strung together across the bar. The few times that I\'ve seen Timmy there, he puts on a good show (but doesn\'t he always?) In the past, there have been times where he has played far past curfew so there is some craziness that may occur!
Steve Gencs\' package store is less than a mile up the road from there. He\'s open till 9 - stop in, stock up - then proceed directly to Dewey\'s - park in the lot behind the bar - to the left of Subway.
Tim will rock the joint - there will be some Timmy Tour regulars, and there will be some Dewey\'s regulars as well. The Dewey\'s regulars are not always the easiest to win over music-wise, but are passionate about their Dewey\'s and are always supportive of the bands. George Dewey - one of the best bar owners out there (and a great guy as well).
Dew the dew, T-Palms!!!