Author Topic: The Breakfast 2010-02-20 Mill Street Brews  (Read 15964 times)


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The Breakfast 2010-02-20 Mill Street Brews
« Reply #120 on: March 01, 2010, 08:39:18 pm »
Frolfer... I\'ll upload the FLACs for this and Red Square and let you put em on archive... I\'m not too savvy about that exactly.

Way tired tonight though... probably have Mill St FLACs up tomorrow and hopefully Red Square as well.
Put the pointed pencil in the pepper-po and take a little sniff of the things below. :sadban:

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The Breakfast 2010-02-20 Mill Street Brews
« Reply #121 on: March 01, 2010, 08:45:02 pm »
Quote from: ChrisF;253512
Quote from: jking;253484
what about a situation where my home computer can play .ogg, but my ipod can\'t? should i get a linux .ogg player now, too? i\'m not nearly tech minded enough to hack my ipod...

you sorry chipped yourself the day you bought an ipod. but at least you will look cool with the name brand player!

my sansa fuze plays every format including flac and ogg.  only cost $20 including shipping and has an sd-micro card slot so i can put in a card up to 32GB.

You get what you pay for.

You would need 5 of those to hold what 1 iPod holds.

So, ya, if you want to constantly be switching music or carry around 5 or them.

Don\'t knock Apple with a product whose only pro is it plays more than mp3s.

But I trust Fitzy and his technie know-how so I will gladly listen to your sales pitch incase I decide I want something.

The other thing people need to understand that its not about you its about the people downloading the music.

So, put the music in a format the common mass doesn\'t know or care about and no one will download it.

I wholeheartedly agree mp3 is doing no good for live records but the average person don\'t give 2 fucks.

After all that, I realized this point has already been made.

Carry on. At least people are still taping.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2010, 08:48:29 pm by Spacey »
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The Breakfast 2010-02-20 Mill Street Brews
« Reply #122 on: March 01, 2010, 09:00:55 pm »
the audio bit rate is # of audio channels x sample rate x bit depth x  seconds = (kbps) kilobits-per-second

that is being confused with bit depth described below

Lets put it in perspective:

The audio bit depth (16bit, 24bit) refers to the dynamic range of the audio source measured in db (decibels).

1 bit = 6 db

CD audio is 16 bit and has a dynamic rage of 96 db

24 bit audio has a dynamic rage of 144 db.

The human hearing system has a dynamic range of about 120 dB between the THRESHOLD OF HEARING to the THRESHOLD OF PAIN

Threshold of hearing
 0 dB
 Motorcycle (30 feet)
 88 dB
Rustling leaves
 20 dB
 Foodblender (3 feet)
 90 dB
Quiet whisper (3 feet)
 30 dB
 Subway (inside)
 94 dB
Quiet home
 40 dB
 Diesel truck (30 feet)
 100 dB
Quiet street
 50 dB
 Power mower (3 feet)
 107 dB
Normal conversation
 60 dB
 Pneumatic riveter (3 feet)
 115 dB
Inside car
 70 dB
 Chainsaw (3 feet)
 117 dB
Loud singing (3 feet)
 75 dB
 Amplified Rock and Roll (6 feet)
 120 dB
Automobile (25 feet)
 80 dB
 Jet plane (100 feet)
 130 dB
180 db space shuttle at launch pad !!! now thats a party!!


  • breakfast greek
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The Breakfast 2010-02-20 Mill Street Brews
« Reply #123 on: March 01, 2010, 09:22:32 pm »
Thanks!  I feel like I just took a course in audio :lol:

24 bit for breakfast!
« Last Edit: March 01, 2010, 09:24:46 pm by cannontrip »


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The Breakfast 2010-02-20 Mill Street Brews
« Reply #124 on: March 01, 2010, 09:56:35 pm »
hey fitzy......normal deal.....see you friday night to catch a buzz and have a beer on bring me a copy? thanks! that\'s so much easier......


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The Breakfast 2010-02-20 Mill Street Brews
« Reply #125 on: March 01, 2010, 10:06:05 pm »
Quote from: mvallo;253529
the audio bit rate is # of audio channels x sample rate x bit depth x  seconds = (kbps) kilobits-per-second

that is being confused with bit depth described below

Lets put it in perspective:

The audio bit depth (16bit, 24bit) refers to the dynamic range of the audio source measured in db (decibels).

1 bit = 6 db

CD audio is 16 bit and has a dynamic rage of 96 db

24 bit audio has a dynamic rage of 144 db.

The human hearing system has a dynamic range of about 120 dB between the THRESHOLD OF HEARING to the THRESHOLD OF PAIN

Threshold of hearing
 0 dB
 Motorcycle (30 feet)
 88 dB
Rustling leaves
 20 dB
 Foodblender (3 feet)
 90 dB
Quiet whisper (3 feet)
 30 dB
 Subway (inside)
 94 dB
Quiet home
 40 dB
 Diesel truck (30 feet)
 100 dB
Quiet street
 50 dB
 Power mower (3 feet)
 107 dB
Normal conversation
 60 dB
 Pneumatic riveter (3 feet)
 115 dB
Inside car
 70 dB
 Chainsaw (3 feet)
 117 dB
Loud singing (3 feet)
 75 dB
 Amplified Rock and Roll (6 feet)
 120 dB
Automobile (25 feet)
 80 dB
 Jet plane (100 feet)
 130 dB
180 db space shuttle at launch pad !!! now thats a party!!

The Deep Tracks at Mounain Road ?  I would love to get a decibel reading when we are crankin it here.....whose got one of those dewhickies?
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  • breakfast geek
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The Breakfast 2010-02-20 Mill Street Brews
« Reply #126 on: March 02, 2010, 06:39:00 am »
Quote from: bdfreetuna;253526
Frolfer... I\'ll upload the FLACs for this and Red Square and let you put em on archive... I\'m not too savvy about that exactly.

Way tired tonight though... probably have Mill St FLACs up tomorrow and hopefully Red Square as well.

Very cool tuna! I appreciate that very much. I will do the best I can.
Music is Vibration is Life


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« Reply #127 on: March 02, 2010, 09:15:14 am »
Thanks BD --i was just able to d/l extract and burn all files. Your effort mucho appreciated.
By the way, tech wizards on board--and no need to go into extreme detail in explaining to my very simple mind, what are .rar files and how come i can never hear them ? is there a program i have not that transcribes them, as the wizard turns lead into gold?


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« Reply #128 on: March 02, 2010, 09:42:14 am »
7 zip is a good, free program to extract .rar files. winrar works too. they are (basically) zipped files you need to unzip to hear.


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The Breakfast 2010-02-20 Mill Street Brews
« Reply #129 on: March 02, 2010, 06:31:28 pm »
I get the feeling some of you still moaning about the Oggs don\'t realize I also uploaded an MP3 version ? The only problems with the ZIP files were because I didn\'t realize at first Microsoft Windows can\'t have "*, >" characters in file names. So I uploaded it again without that. Because I\'m actually a pretty nice guy don\'tcha know.

Check the 1st post again.

In the future I will be uploading Oggs, Flacs, and Mp3s. Just like I did for this one... (FLACs aren\'t uploaded yet because I\'ve been busy but they exist).

Sort of confused what anybody is really complaining about at all. Thought I had done people a favor here and done a fairly competent job at doing it.

Thanks to those who enjoyed it. Complainers need to find a new hobby. peace!
« Last Edit: March 02, 2010, 06:34:54 pm by bdfreetuna »
Put the pointed pencil in the pepper-po and take a little sniff of the things below. :sadban:

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« Reply #130 on: March 02, 2010, 06:44:30 pm »
get used to it tuna! wait til you have taped so many things that you have 30 unprocessed and unlabeled shows on your hard drive with 20 people hounding you for each one because they were at the show and want it!!


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The Breakfast 2010-02-20 Mill Street Brews
« Reply #131 on: March 11, 2010, 10:01:21 pm »
Recently Archive has simplified the uploading process tremendously so I have finally been able to get some shows up. Before then it seemed so complicated I just didn\'t want to bother. It still is a bit of a hassle but if I can do it anyone should be able to. I agree with Dave Peck\'s comment on another thread here about people leaving reviews when they listen or download a show off LMA to leave their feedback. First off it looks good on Archive for the band to have reviews and also is appreciated by whomever is doing the taping, transfering and uploading of the show for the enjoyment of everyone else. I know I go back to see if anyone is leaving a comment on shows of mine on LMA. No one has BTW.


  • breakfast geek
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The Breakfast 2010-02-20 Mill Street Brews
« Reply #132 on: March 12, 2010, 06:37:25 am »
Quote from: ChrisF;253575
get used to it tuna! wait til you have taped so many things that you have 30 unprocessed and unlabeled shows on your hard drive with 20 people hounding you for each one because they were at the show and want it!!

:jawdrop: :drool:
Music is Vibration is Life