HA! I love you all ......seriously. And i\'ve got to say thanks to alot of yall because my birthday started on Monday @ Kung Fu, and ended when i got home yesterday....but i gotta say. KUNG FU TAKES THE CAKE. The familiar faces were the warmest and welcoming i have seen at a show in a while. Leave it to the B Fam crew to do so!!!! I miss seeing everyone and have plans to change that very soon (depending on the purchase of a vehicle)
lol. Oh and stevie....don\'t worry....there is plenty more destruction to be had!! anywayz. peace, love, and music to you all
Happy Bday! Great seeing you at Kung Fu, i hope it happens more often
i can already tell you that i will b at the one not this monday, but next. with 2 more special guests in tow. lol. you know how i roll......gotta keep spreading the good word bro!! c u soon