a couple more good nuggets from last night:
4 - Locke (John)
8 - Reyes (Hurley)
10 - Mattingley - Other
15 - Ford (James)
16 - Jarrah (Sayid)
23 - Shephard (Jack)
31 - Rutherford (Shannon)
42 - Kwon (Jin or Sun)
56 - Burke - (Juliet)
64 - Goodspeed (Ethan Horace Olivia or Amy)
70 - Faraday (Daniel)
73 - Costa - ?
90 - Troupe - Gary Troupe - he was on 815, wrote Bad Twin, a novel that Hurley found on the beach in Season 2
115 - Bargas - ?
117 - Linus (Ben, Roger)
119 - Almeida - ?
142 - Lewis (Charlotte)
171 - Straume (Miles)
195 - Pace (Charlie)
222 - O\'Toole - U.S. Military
233 - Jones - U.S. Military
291 - Domingo - U.S. Military
313 - Littleton (Claire or Aaron)
317 - Cunningham - U.S. Military
337 - Martin (Karl) - Other
346 - Grant - U.S. Military
20 - Rous (Possibly Rousseau)
25 - ___
30 - ___
33 - ___
49 - Cha (Possibly Chang)
62 - ___
251 - ___
260 - ___
272 - ___
285 - Jen (Possibly Jenkins)
__ - Reynolds
__ - Sullivan
__ - Lacombe
also, the lady that Locke saw at the temp agency before Rose was the fortune teller that Hurley saw in season 3, who told hurley that the numbers were cursed