Author Topic: Obama declares national emergency over swine flu pandemic, but why? (10-25-2009)  (Read 4840 times)


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Swine flu jab link to killer nerve disease: Leaked letter reveals concern of neurologists over 25 deaths in America

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Just read it if you care. People get ready.
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  • Smell My Finger
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I\'m not getting the shot, but let\'s not re-act to something that happened 39 years ago.  I\'d hope that science has evolved and that there was a little more testing this go around...
The best music is essentially there to provide you something to face the world with - Bruce Springsteen


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yes, the stated, logical reason is probably not it. it MAY be because obama wants to imprison everyone in the country, then give them all injections to turn them into zombies, with which he will create an indefeatable army and will attack the rest of the western hemisphere in an effort to be crowned Socialist Emporer of the Universe! we don\'t have any facts to back this up, but it definitely could be what he\'s after!!! run for your lives!! hide in your bomb shelters!! flu vaccine causes cranial implosions!!!!!!!!!!

meh. give me something with ANY basis in reality and not wild conjecture and we can talk... anybody who knows even the basics of how vaccinations work will be able to tell you why these claims are completely baseless. (i\'ll give you a hint - these vaccinations aren\'t the same as the ones in 76, they are compiled with the dead virus, not a weakened version of the virus)


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There appears not to have been. Good for you for not getting a swine flu shot. You may want to think of what you will do if the full executive powers of the national emergency are declared.

It\'s possible people will be detained / forced vaccinations... including your child.

I don\'t think I\'m over-reacting to anything. As of a couple days ago this is real. Swine Flu vaccines will be fully stocked in less than a month. You may not have a choice. Better to be informed and prepared than blissfully ignorant.

Here is a little more "balanced" story about it. This one could go either way, folks. Are we Sheeple or People?
« Last Edit: October 26, 2009, 11:21:08 am by bdfreetuna »
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Balanced my ass... WND is a right-wing media source... Their tag-line is "Independent Conservative New Website"... The fact that they are trying to dig up documentation that proves Obama wasn\'t born in the USA loses them all credibility in my eyes... I vote for the guy, but I don\'t agree with a lot of what he\'s done so far...  I don\'t think it\'s going to come to manditory vaccinations... The H1N1 strain that is currently affected the US is less intense than the actual seasonal flu and even the manufacturers state that children under 2 shouldn\'t get the vaccine...  The truth is that most people were freaked out about this without having to politicize it...  If you want to stockpile your ammunition and barricade your door because Obama delclared this a national emergency, go ahead.  I\'m going to take it one day at a time...  If it comes to the point where it\'s mandatory, then so be it... Are you going to wage the next Civil War over a Swine Flu Vaccine?
The best music is essentially there to provide you something to face the world with - Bruce Springsteen


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my first question, of course, is how will the government be able to actually enforce mandatory vaccinations? use the military?? my second is, how will they pay for that enforcement? maybe ge a loan from aig?? my third is, why would any president want to toss away their presidency on something as non-national security as mandatory vaccinations?? even carter knew better than that!

i mean, you realize, of course, that the government was under a state of national emergency from 2001-2008, right? and while many constitionalities were circumscribed, none was as wildly oppressive to the public as mandatory vaccinations. you know also, of course, that within the national emergencies act are provisions with which the congress can overrule/countermand the policies directed by the president. all of which means that while, technically, all the things you state are possible, they are in no way unilateral or possible due to the sole discretion of the president. just like it is possible, technically, that a monkey can fly into and then out of your ass, most likely you will clench before the comlpetion of such flight, thus impeding the monkey\'s abilities to carry out its intentions to completions. same here. but, allow yourself to be scared by conspiracy theorists all you want. it is halloween season, after all!


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while I feel 100% confident that forced vaccinations for H1N1 will not happen, does anyone honestly think that it would be that hard??  Do you have school age children?  have you ever questioned your Dr about the necessity of most modern immunizations?  Just try to enroll a seven year old into public school without mmr, dpt, tetanus, or even something as silly as hep!  Trust me, forced immunization has been going on for the last hundred years.  It\'s tough to see the trees when you\'re in the forest.


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All states allow for Religious or Medical Exemptions if you can prove either...  It\'s difficult, but possible...
The best music is essentially there to provide you something to face the world with - Bruce Springsteen


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I read Behold a Pale Horse in like 2004 and allowed myself to be scared then.

I am not scared now. But those of you who feel the tide of change know that something very bad is about to happen before something very good evolves in the wake of it.

"my first question, of course, is how will the government be able to actually enforce mandatory vaccinations? use the military?? my second is, how will they pay for that enforcement? maybe ge a loan from aig?? my third is, why would any president want to toss away their presidency on something as non-national security as mandatory vaccinations?? even carter knew better than that!"

1) Of course. It\'s called martial law.
2) Maybe Goldman Sachs will donate some of the mostly unaccounted-for $800 billion stimulus package out of their coffers? (aka the "Federal Reserve")
3) Propaganda and Fear are powerful tools, that when waged in a calculated manner against a population (including congress), rarely fail.

No, I will not be stock piling guns. No, I will not start a revolution. And yes, I realize that was a conservative website in my 3rd link which is why I cheekily put it there for "balance". But you can bet I won\'t be sitting around for Military Police to inject something into my body when the time may come.

Besides, even if that doesn\'t fly we still have the impending global food shortages and climate-change exodus around the corner.

I suggest getting your karma in order. I believe this will be spiritually essential for those who wish to make it through the universal toilet-flush in proper condition.

And I am not posting this to argue, debate, or convince anyone one way or the other. When or if the time is right you will realize what you need to. Until then, just don\'t say nobody warned you.

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My karma is fine...  As for the climate change exodus; I highly doubt that this will happen in our lifetime.  I think that there\'s a better chance of the skynet machines taking over w/ a band of people will follow John Connor in a resistance...
The best music is essentially there to provide you something to face the world with - Bruce Springsteen


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wow, nationwide martial law. for flu shots. really??? AND you can fight off said martial law by getting your karma in order????? methinks its time to pull out the deemsters, brah!! they\'re fucking with your head more than you probably intended!!

you do realize, of course, that the ENTIRE military comprises less than one percent of the nation\'s population, right?? of course, knowing that, maybe my invisible quasi-eastern-philosophy force field will work pretty effectively...

be worried about migrations due to drought. that\'s real, quantifiable and currently solutionless. stop wasting your time worrying about what might happen if all of government fails and the president decides to become pol-pot-esque... its no different than walking around crying about the end of the world in 2012! complete mis-allocation of mental resources!!


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Quote from: Yoda;244675
My karma is fine...  As for the climate change exodus; I highly doubt that this will happen in our lifetime.

Maybe not for you. But Bangladesh will almost *in fact* be mostly fucked well within our lifetimes.

Wise up. The world doesn\'t start and finish at our national borders.
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  • Smell My Finger
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Quote from: bdfreetuna;244679
Quote from: Yoda;244675
My karma is fine...  As for the climate change exodus; I highly doubt that this will happen in our lifetime.

Maybe not for you. But Bangladesh will almost *in fact* be mostly fucked well within our lifetimes.

Wise up. The world doesn\'t start and finish at our national borders.

No offense to the rest of the world, but I live to fend for my wife and children, family, and friends...  It\'s not a national boarder thing, it\'s a me being selfish about my priorities thing...  I prescribe to the Machiavellian way of life...  

I\'m not going to even attempt to claim that I know anything about the climate change in Bangladesh... I\'m not even sure how you went from Swine Flue Vaccines to Climate Change...  

Enjoy life while we\'re here... Do you really thing that Earth was meant to last forever?
The best music is essentially there to provide you something to face the world with - Bruce Springsteen


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Come on children, you’re acting like children
Every generation thinks it’s the end of the world
All you fat followers get fit fast
Every generation thinks it’s the last
Thinks it’s the end of the world

It’s a dream down a well
It’s a long, heavy hell
I don’t care anymore, I don’t care anymore
It’s a fear to transcend, if we’re here at the end
I don’t care anymore, I don’t care anymore
You never know

Come on kids, you’re acting like children
Act your age
Get back to black metal and pearls
All you sword swallowers, pull yourselves together
Every generation thinks it’s the worst
Thinks it’s the end of the world


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Quote from: Yoda;244672
All states allow for Religious or Medical Exemptions if you can prove either...  It\'s difficult, but possible...

Oh I know, I\'m just saying that some of the stuff that people get all worked up over is old news.  We have a hard time recognizing where we have been manipulated when it\'s been that way since birth.