It\'s the spaces and initial caps in the (original) filenames (that were used to generate the checksums) that are throwing things off. The files must have been renamed before uploading to LMA.
I edited the original checksums.md5 file and pasted it below.
You *could* upload the fixed checksums.md5 file to LMA so everyone else doesn\'t have the same problem. You would also have to update the metadata in the Item Editor so the checksums match.
That may also be why LMA hasn\'t expanded the FLACs into MP3s and OGGs.
So, what is the lineage of these files again? I lost track in all the back and forth. Were they recorded right to MP3s and then re-rendered as WAVs?
$ md5sum -c checksums.md5
01-Jam.flac: OK
02-Gravity.flac: OK
md5sum: 03-The Sound.flac: No such file or directory
03-The Sound.flac: FAILED open or read
md5sum: 04-Drunk Monk Bar.flac: No such file or directory
04-Drunk Monk Bar.flac: FAILED open or read
md5sum: 05-Sleeping Beauty.flac: No such file or directory
05-Sleeping Beauty.flac: FAILED open or read
md5sum: 06-Reel Time.flac: No such file or directory
06-Reel Time.flac: FAILED open or read
07-Jam.flac: OK
md5sum: 08-May Fly Disarray.flac: No such file or directory
08-May Fly Disarray.flac: FAILED open or read
09-Rush.flac: OK
10-Spunk.flac: OK
md5sum: WARNING: 5 of 10 listed files could not be read
$ md5sum -c checksums2.md5
01-Jam.flac: OK
02-Gravity.flac: OK
03-theSound.flac: OK
04-drunkMonkBar.flac: OK
05-sleepingBeauty.flac: OK
06-reelTime.flac: OK
07-Jam.flac: OK
08-mayFlyDisarray.flac: OK
09-Rush.flac: OK
10-Spunk.flac: OK
$ cat checksums2.md5
; Generated by FastSum - an extremely fast checksum utility.
; Go to to get your own copy for free.
FF54E7EDE4FB7A4C6BD3E9D1E66D9958 *01-Jam.flac
63B7A48911A26F382B832F658901AAF4 *02-Gravity.flac
8B1CA1901590D8073B677701A6641BDE *03-theSound.flac
5CFC443088F788F8645617C6A5193EFC *04-drunkMonkBar.flac
F76691782FE9BFBBA5CA8872DA77E0E7 *05-sleepingBeauty.flac
2DFD2B24D9975F97F48EE8A5B526C098 *06-reelTime.flac
239EBBB0CE8EAD7887C5AB683F886BA5 *07-Jam.flac
A124A1204659A5593777C72067F91E10 *08-mayFlyDisarray.flac
76D198BFC189C61D89ED76DC0F244812 *09-Rush.flac
5860D5220324E427B0ECD2AB0D3CFCAF *10-Spunk.flac