Times you wish you were never born...
Walking around the video store looking for something good to watch.
The three Taco Bell bean burritos start creating a methane compression chamber
inside the large intestine. The more you hold back the more the compression psi build up.
You know something is going to blow and it is going to be ugly!
There is no time to make it to the door. Let\'s head for the classics section,it\'s a free zone.
Action,comedy,sci-fi,horror,family,drama are just a blur. You make it to the free zone,no time to spare.
The laws of physics take over. A green noxtious cloud hovers over the classics section.
Nobody around...then out of the corner of your eye the cute,young video
girl is walking towards classics with a load of videos in her arms. You Panic! No God! No!
Don\'t let this happen to me! The stench is going to hover for another good 10 minutes!
Slowly backing away,maybe she didn\'t see me in classics. Don\'t look back boy,just go!
Slipping into comedy, you watch the poor girl enter the aroma of hell on earth.
Did she see me in classics? Nobody ever goes in classics, so it\'s a big event when somebody does.
Heading to check-out there are only two cashiers.
A goofy guy and the girl you just poisoned with fermented Mexican fast food.
Please God, please give me the goofy guy for check-out! I\'ll be good from now on!
"Next!" The cute,young girl says to me. I\'m in a sweat, she knows it was me.
Now I have to face her with guilt written all over my face...
Sometimes you wish you were never born.