It\'s well known by now that CT fails to represent their home turf on a regular basis.
I would have been there but Astral Projections had a pretty fun festie/party gig that day and later on that night.
By the way, "Bfam" doesn\'t only apply to A) People from around New Haven, B) People like Yoda who still post here but never go to shows, and C) regulars.
Pretty sure up in recent Northampton shows and up at Strange Creek there were some raging times. Half of these kids are barely 18, totally obsessed with The Breakfast, but use the internet sparingly and probably aren\'t even aware of this little hangout.
I missed Toads due to my own thing but I assume turnout was kinda shitty per usual. Breakfast should seriously consider relocating an hour and a half north... plenty of fresh blood up here and *yes* they are BFam ... whether you know them by some internet alias or not.
i think the effort of the fanbase correlates directly to that of the band.
Right. I\'ve never seen a band play their instruments so lazily on stage as The Breakfast...
Maybe has more to do with rampant negativity / bitching / moaning / "I\'m too old for this" attitude of a good segment of O.G. Breakfast fam.
Make way for the young blood and keep ragin up here. That\'s all.