The song writing is actually more like I dunno, Beach Boys? Except w/ lots of books for lyrics and more synthesizers...
Beach boys??? Beach boys?? I don\'t know. That seems like thats stretching it.
They do remind me of one the bands you\'d see on the elephant six record label...
I\'m not saying Barnes is the second coming of Brian Wilson. I\'m saying it reminds me of them. Probably more the vocal layering than anything. oM isn\'t surfy like BB. Again I refer back to Satanic Panic, 2nd track, Lysergic Bliss, the vocal layering on that song is a nice example. Also the use of several different sounds early on in that track is a lot like some of the break downs in the 60\'s version of Smile, namely in Heroes and Villains part 2. But i guess tons of bands are doing things like this these days.
Another comparison I would make is if you listen to early songs by them, they are very twee pop, which roots itself in Byrds like rock pop. Now they are way more funky so I can see where my comparison doesn\'t ring true.
Then again, maybe my comparisons are the random associations of a syphilitic brain. I\'m not a rock critic, at least not professionally, but I do listen to a lot of music. So take my opinion and evaluations what for what they are worth, nothing since you can get them for free right here in this thread. Or if you come up to me at a show, I will readily ramble on about any asinine subject we see fit.