i think it was a zelda tease. yeah awesome crowd. bunch of young\'ns too
Yes, it was a full-on Zelda jam. It was the normal above-ground music from The Legend Of Zelda.
I do enjoy seeing lots of little guys at the show, but these kids were ignorant. def on some hard drugs because no one in there right mind would a) throw anything on stage at a breakfast show, or b) burn a series of glow stick to cover them self in poisonous glowing liquid.
To your point, this was by far the most spun Breakfast show I\'ve seen in a long time, probably since the ridiculous Beardslee Castle Halloween show, and that was the most spun non-Butterfield show I\'ve ever seen. This show was crooked and wooked. Mad kidz was trippin on crazy shit yo. Did anyone go down to the bathroom "lobby" at one point when there were 25 kids down there NOT in line for the bathroom? They were all just hanging on to the wall or wooking out on the floor TRIPPIN. Back upstairs, 2 different kidz asked to buy drugs from me, and this one girl with pupils the size of flying saucers sat on the couch next to me and started talking to me about Jesus. I asked her what she was on, and she just told me she had eaten a bunch of something but didn\'t know what it was. Place was insane.
It\'s all good, I\'m down with having more drugs on scene. Heck, I could\'ve made some money last night if only I kept drugs to sell on me at Breakfast shows. Next Iron Horse show I\'m totally bringing my colitis meds and being like, "Yo, I got Asacol, this shit is the sick pharmies yo. $10 a pill." Actually, I\'m gonna do even better and do this on lot at Phenway and Great Woods, should be able to easily make enough money to buy a 4-day Rod Rocks pass.
Oh yeah, The Breakfast played a very lovely sounding concert at the Iron Horse.