dave, please correct me if i\'m wrong, but the tuneage forum\'s primary purpose is to discuss any aspect of any particular song. the lyrics are included in the first post of any song\'s thread as a convenience to the thread participants. it also eliminates the need for a seperate lyrics section. please, if you\'d like to discuss anything about a particular tune (lyrical themes, best versions, jam directions, interesting segues, etc.), then there\'s already a thread for it.
a big part of why we should be cognizant of this is that the more threads that exist and the less organized they are, the more stress there is on dave and his server. we all may not agree on the ways this forum should be and is run, but we really should acknowledge the tremendous amount of work involved in maintaining ANY internet forum, let alone such a rich, feature packed forum like this one. the less dave and other admins have to worry about juggling threads to keep them organized, the more time they\'ll have to address other more important issues, and perhaps start developing new features for the board.
and lastly, lets all remember why we\'re here. i think it has something to do with having fun... anyone?