Author Topic: Was anyone else discusted by Bush\'s State of the Union Address Last Night?  (Read 59807 times)


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« Reply #225 on: April 06, 2004, 08:19:09 pm »
Originally posted by Marcial
600 seems like alot, but have you ever seen the stats for other wars?

Here is one thing that i do not understand. pro war people think it was very important to liberate iraq whether they ever find any wmds or not. If they care do much about the iraqi people why do they act like the only deaths that matter are americans? the death count for this war is not 600, its about 10,000.


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« Reply #226 on: April 06, 2004, 08:36:00 pm »
Originally posted by ChrisF
Here is one thing that i do not understand. pro war people think it was very important to liberate iraq whether they ever find any wmds or not. If they care do much about the iraqi people why do they act like the only deaths that matter are americans? the death count for this war is not 600, its about 10,000.

Thank You
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« Reply #227 on: April 06, 2004, 08:40:20 pm »
Originally posted by Marcial
at this point, that is a no can do.... politicly speaking, of course.  So many countries already see us as the big bully for going over there... if we pull out now, and leave the place a fucking wreck, we would look even worse.  Also, I think we have a sincere interest in really giving the people of Iraq what we promised them... a better government, and a better life in general.  If we leave while whacked-out militants are all over the place, what do you think is going to happen?  The whole place is going to go to shit... again...


I understand your point but how big does the hole have to get before we cannot get out?

It just seems like I am living my parent\'s war(Vietnam) and now fully realize what my mom has been teaching me all these years is really true and not just left wing rhetoric.
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« Reply #228 on: April 06, 2004, 09:30:53 pm »
Originally posted by ChrisF
why do they act like the only deaths that matter are americans? the death count for this war is not 600, its about 10,000.

I don\'t think anyone is "pro war."  I\'m not.  I wish these issues could be settled with a discussion over tea & crumpets.  Unfortunately, that is not possible.  The whole purpose behind this war is to rid that country of it\'s "evil" element.  So yes, we are going to kill people.  And as far as I\'m concerned, these militants who routinely target innocent people on purpose, deserve to die.  Period.  So no, their deaths do not count as a negative in my opinion... as unpopular as it may be around here.
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« Reply #229 on: April 06, 2004, 10:23:55 pm »
Originally posted by Marcial
I don\'t think anyone is "pro war."  I\'m not.  I wish these issues could be settled with a discussion over tea & crumpets.  Unfortunately, that is not possible.  The whole purpose behind this war is to rid that country of it\'s "evil" element.  So yes, we are going to kill people.  And as far as I\'m concerned, these militants who routinely target innocent people on purpose, deserve to die.  Period.  So no, their deaths do not count as a negative in my opinion... as unpopular as it may be around here.

you are not pro war, but you think certain groups of people should be killed by our military? that makes no sense.


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« Reply #230 on: April 06, 2004, 11:02:18 pm »
while i WISH that we could settle the issue with a conversation, that dosen\'t seem to work with these guys.  yes, psychos who kill innocent people in the name of "god" should be killed by our military.  am i happy there is a war?  no.  in this case it is a necessity for our collective safety.
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« Reply #231 on: April 06, 2004, 11:19:03 pm »
Originally posted by Marcial
am i happy there is a war?  no.  in this case it is a necessity for our collective safety.

Who\'s collective safety? Come On now even w/ the Terror Alerts u do not feel just as safe as before 9/11 ? if not u really never paid attention in the first place. We are so safe that the general public was surprised that someone had the balls to "bring it" to our home shores.
What happened to all the attacks that the Bush administration said were coming. You hear every couple of weeks that they "found some more evidence of attacks" and diverted them. now some may be true but come on if u believe these are not just propaganda I am sorry.

Remember how large our Country is. Some parts of our country have not even bothered with this as it does not and probably will not affect them. Sad as that is it\'s true.
We are as safe as we were before 9/11 it\'s just now we have forced the government to respond in a more timely manner to gathered intellegence. Bush has used the media brilliantly to force his own type of terror down the general public\'s throat and has removed many safeguards to our civil liberties in the name of protecting us. Total B.S.
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« Reply #232 on: April 06, 2004, 11:26:57 pm »
Originally posted by leith
Bush has used the media brilliantly to force his own type of terror down the general public\'s throat and has removed many safeguards to our civil liberties in the name of protecting us. Total B.S.

amen brother


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« Reply #233 on: April 06, 2004, 11:29:15 pm »
it\'s ok though cause uncle dubya knows whats best for YOU......even if you don\'t...


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« Reply #234 on: April 06, 2004, 11:34:12 pm »
Originally posted by oldnewbie
it\'s ok though cause uncle dubya knows whats best for YOU......even if you don\'t...

Are u becoming a slogan writer? lol
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« Reply #235 on: April 09, 2004, 02:20:54 am »
So Condi Rice\'s testimony seems to prove what alot of people refuse to believe. They knew of sleeper cells already here, they knew Osama was determined to attack us on our soil and DID NOT MAKE IT A PRIORITY.
Wow and people actually feel safer w/ this guy? Hopefully people are watching and coming to realize that Bush is a liar and incompetent.
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« Reply #236 on: April 09, 2004, 12:33:28 pm »
I didn\'t get that feeling at all.  Not one bit.  What I heard was that there needs to be better interdepartment communication.... that we had all of the pieces of the puzzle, but all in different places & no one was sharing.  Maybe you are talking about a different Condoleeza Rice??

BTW, now it is a priority & you are bitching about us doing something about it.  Make up your mind & stop badmouthing the president just because he\'s facist.
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« Reply #237 on: April 09, 2004, 01:15:58 pm »
Originally posted by Marcial
I didn\'t get that feeling at all.  Not one bit.  What I heard was that there needs to be better interdepartment communication.... that we had all of the pieces of the puzzle, but all in different places & no one was sharing.  Maybe you are talking about a different Condoleeza Rice??

BTW, now it is a priority & you are bitching about us doing something about it.  Make up your mind & stop badmouthing the president just because he\'s facist.

Who is in charge? The President. Who is responsible to make sure his people are communicating? The President. Don\'t try and pass the buck.  When someone brings the President\'s Daily Briefing to him TITLED: OSAMA DETERMINED TO ATTACK THE U.S., He should have paid more fuckin\' attention. Come On Now!

BTW, I badmouth Bush because he is a liar, incompetent, and he will not shoulder any of the responsibility for this, he just blames it on everyone else.  I would badmouth him if he was independent , facist,green whatever. He freakin\' Blows!!!!!!!!!!
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« Reply #238 on: April 09, 2004, 02:41:56 pm »
GWB had only been in office for 9 months when 9/11 happened.  I\'m sure that the Clinton administration heard lots about Osama B in the previous 8 years that they were in power... why didn\'t they do anything?  I\'ll tell you why, cause like all facists, they were a bunch of PUSSIES!!!!!!  Probably worried about taking out a few innocent Afghani\'s in the process of getting to him, so instead they let them take 3000 of our innocents.
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« Reply #239 on: April 09, 2004, 02:49:45 pm »
So the "actionable items" (read plan) that the Clinton administration left Bush\'s admin. concerning these terroist threats was what B.S.?
You can not escape the fact that this guy is an incompetent fool tryin\' to cover his ineptness by blaming others.
As for all dems being pussies, I believe John Kerry is a Vietnam Veteran who actually fought for his Country instead of hiding like the little fuckin\' hoo haa rat Bush was!!!!!
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