Yeah I guess I could\'ve expected to get flamed on that one. Sweet. My 2nd post under my new alias and already losing cred. I must be in the negatives at this point. :thumbsup:
Now, my reference to GNR was purely satire, and (seemingly) a none-too-witty way to present my question as to why a fairly new member of an established band would all of a sudden decide he no longer wanted to be in said band. Thanks jking for answering my questions before starting the flame war.
For those who don\'t get the irony of my reference, it\'s more than a given to say that there is a major difference in the musical and lifestylings of the two groups in discussion. Satire = poking fun at.
Maybe because I am not of your "locals only" mindfuct ownership of the band my knowledge of the most recent happenings and news is somewhat behind the time, I understand that. But be assured that I have done my part remotely to run with the band when they come to my corner of the nation, have promoted the shit out their shows, and have downloaded, passed around, and commented on many shows that have been given review by some of you who were actually at the show. For this I appreciate your contribution.
Just smile and quit being so willing to flame... now flame on you flamers!