For everyone who enjoys Phish, I hope you enjoy this article comparing the experience of 11/27-29/98 vs. 11/27-29/09 exactly 11 years later. Enjoy.
I really liked this article.
My moment--9.23.00. It was my third show, and it\'s funny because the first 2 (7.8.00 & 9.22.00) are much better on paper and in recording review, imo. But that night, everything clicked.
No. 1--I wasn\'t stoned halfway to hell (a common theme at age 16 with crazy strict parents).
No. 2--it was just me and one other friend IN the show.. we got to the lots early with some random friends from high school and there wasn\'t any burden of failed logistics which happens so many times with big groups.
No. 3--Fee. At that point I only owned a few albums, and had literally never even heard the song. For whatever reason, in a weekend of heavy hitters (not to mention 7.8.00\'s ridiculous show that was a first-batch LivePhish release for obvious reasons), Fee\'s base line and crowd sing along chorus was THEE moment that I was hooked. To this day, I picture the tiny lady dancing next to me raising her arms in slow motion reverse-waterfall styly to the "Whooooaaaa ohhh Feeeee" part, exposing pits full of joyous bush that I swear winked at me, every time I hear Junta\'s opener. Makes me smile just thinking about it.
No. 4 (the stereotypical kicker)--I ate shrooms for the first time. It was a small bit, just enough to finally get me passed my amazement with the scene and hone in on the music. I truly felt a part of the electricity that eluded me personally in my previous two efforts.
After 9.23.00, I bought every album, learned every lyric in every song, memorized every note on every track, and got straight up fucking lost in my bedroom every night after school.
Sadly, my entire CD collection was stolen just a month later and all I gave a shit about were my Phish discs. Nearly got caught stealing Hoist the following day (dodged a bullet), and within weeks the discography was complete.
On a sidenote, 11.27.98 is easily one of my favorite shows of all time. Vultures on probably got the most airtime of anything I owned during my junior and senior high school years. I remember my dad getting ready for some family get together in our upstairs bathroom, me cranking this show, and him singing Birds Of A Feather all night, laughing at me of course. Second set is just reediculous; seamless, energetic, and fun as fuck.