You all need to listen to the album for a 14th time. I honestly think it is great. I\'m also in the minority that I happen to listen to studio Phish more than the normal Phish fan, and Joy has been just like a bunch of the others (from Phish and other bands), it just takes time to truly enjoy what has been captured on disc. That said, my Joy highlights are Joy and Twenty Years Later, with Sugar Shack slowly creeping up the ladder. Then again, I am also a big fan of Let Me Lie, so flame away if you must. I for one, am just happy that Phish is back, healthy, having fun, and putting out NEW music. Very much anticipating the Party Time "album" when it gets out.
I will see you all in Cali.
(note: antbach will not be in Cali unless he fails to obtain this new job to which he hopefully will be interviewing next week.)