My friend Michael is in St. Louis to see Phish and visit his mom.
He posted this earlier in the morning (but I just saw it) over on the TLG Forum thought I\'d share.
His forum name is onthebus thus otb in the conversation.
"So I just met Trey and Mike and Page. Basically just said hi to Mike and Page, but chatted a little bit with Red. I waved at him from a distance, and he came over to talk to me. Here is how it went:
otb: "Hi!"
ta: "Hey. I\'m Trey. Nice to meet you."
otb: ::giggles:: "I\'m Michael. It\'s very nice to meet you. I just wanted to say hi and thank you for everything you have given me."
ta: "Thank YOU. So, where are you from?"
otb: "Originally I\'m from St. Louis, but I live in California now. I came in for tonight\'s show... My mom is very happy with you, since she gets to see me thanks to your show."
ta: ::laughs:: "Glad we could help!"
otb: "Bonnaroo sounded great... it had to be a thrill to be up there with Bruce."
ta: "Absolutely. It was a dream... fantastic time. We got to play some cool tunes too."
otb: "I was surprised by Bobby Jean."
ta: "Yeah, that was my one request." ::big grin::
otb: "That\'s what I thought. "We liked the same music we liked the same bands."
ta: "Exactly!" ::huge smile::
otb: "Thank you again. Have a good show tonight."
ta: "Yeah, you have fun too. Say hi to mom."
He started to walk away, and I said,
otb: "What do you think about playing Sleep tonight?"
ta: ::pauses, turns around:: "Sleep... that sounds good, I like that." ::Big smile, walks away::
So I have that going for me."
He hasn\'t posted since but I\'m sure he was stoked to actually get his request as the set list tonight shows.
Set One
Kill Devil Falls
Brian And Robert
Sample In A Jar
Train Song
Slave To The Traffic Light
Set Two
Halley\'s Comet >
Runaway Jim
Frankie Says
Time Turns Elastic
Mike\'s Song >
I Am Hydrogen >
Weekapaug Groove
Boogie On Reggae Woman
Character Zero
The Star-Spangled Banner
McGrupp And The Watchful Hosemasters
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Pretty cool I thought.