I don\'t yell fuck you at cops. They have guns and handcuffs.
Appreciate the level-headed response though.
Fact is, at least in my experience, I\'ve seen police cause more problems than I\'ve seen them help resolve. Even watching "COPS" from time to time I have to wonder what % of people are rooting for the police who are taking some poor junkie to jail, or some guy with miniscule amounts of marijuana.
Seriously is having some jello shots on Phish lot worth getting handcuffed, interrogated, and car-searched? These kids were totally chill and respectful. They did not deserve to be treated like a lower class of undignified people, as they were.
By the way this was in Massachusetts where apparently the police have failed to realize that marijuana is now decriminalized if you have less than an ounce.
End the "war on drugs" and I have a feeling police will get 10000% more respect from the general population. I know I certainly appreciate their efforts to direct traffic during power outages.
Yes, you have freedom of the speech, HOWEVER if you resist arrest, if you interfere with an officer doing his job, it is ILLEGAL. Remember that.
Universal laws > The ever increasing police state
If somebody (cop or not) is trying to detain me and take away my freedom over a victimless "crime" I consider it a universal right to resist.
Believe me, I am a highly moral person and try my damndest to do wrong by nobody. However, I do believe people should have freedom over their own minds and life choices.
You spell "ILLEGAL" in all capital letters as if that is the key point here. I parked my car more than a foot away from the curb last night and that was ILLEGAL. A little perspective, that\'s all I\'d ask from the police. There\'s plenty of rapists, murderers, child molesters, heroin dealers, etc left to be taken care of. So why the fuck are they hasslin kids over decriminalized tiny amounts of ***** or tailgating before a Phish show?