My choices were (note that order after first song in each set doesnt matter):
Set 1:
Boogie on Reggae Woman
Col. Forbin
Poor Heart
Walls of the Cave
The Wedge
The Curtain
Pebbles and Marbles
Wait a minute, just a few days ago you GUARANTEED you knew from the most reliable source ever that first set would contain a "narration song" (read: Harpua). WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?!?
a few things my man wolf:
1. Col. Forbin is a narration song
2. I clearly was making up my source thing anyway just to get a rise out of people, which i clearly did out of you. your first indication i was bullshitting should have been when i was making my statments more and more bold and ridiculous sounding as you got more worked up over it
3. Back to the narration thing...I think they will play forbin>mockingbird...however in this bet i chose to only put forbin since its a point system and i didnt want to invest 2 points into this (since if they dont play forbin, they are obviously not playing mockingbird)...the same strategy applies to why I only put mikes song and simple, but not hydrogen or weekapaug. Gotta play it safe.
4. See ya in boston wolfy, CANT WAIT!