True Blood is an American television drama series created by Alan Ball, based on the Sookie Stackhouse book series by Charlaine Harris. The show is broadcast on HBO and premiered on September 7. The show has been renewed for a second season.
True Blood details the co-existence of vampires and humans in Bon Temps, a fictional small Louisiana town. The series centers on Sookie Stackhouse (Anna Paquin), a telepathic waitress at a diner, who falls in love with vampire Bill Compton (Stephen Moyer).
Well, as someone who idolizes Alan Ball\'s creative pursuits, yet absolutely loathes the vampire genre, I wasn\'t sure how to approach this series. So we\'re four episodes in and I think it\'s safe to say that although I\'m not absolutely sold on the show, I am definitely intrigued by the initial character development and find myself highly interested to find out what will happen next.
I like how within the context of the show that vampires are a minority group just like many others in the United States and are in the public eye for the first time as many, including the primary male character, Bill Compton, have decided to "come out of the coffin" and are now "mainstreaming" it by living out in the open with humans. Of course, there are many other vampires who are clinging to their roots and are not taking their approach. The conflict between Bill and many of these vampires is something else that I particularly like.
Definitely worth a viewing.