RE: The Name of the Band
Why does everyone insist they keep the name ?
Not to be a debbie downer but they haven\'t really broken out of the local circuit and they draw about the same amount of fans as they did in the early days. So what exactly does the name do ? If you said to people this is the new project by the former members of the breakfast it carries about as much weight as the breakfast does.
Changing the name and project (at the sametime keeping what made PB TB) great isn\'t a bad thing IMHO. It might even get some people out to see what is new as opposed to just dismissing the band outright as they have been there done that.
It is marketing plain and simple. It isn\'t like they have really good name recognition besides folks who have seen them before. They do not have a good market penetration.
Einstein defined insanity as doing the samething over and over again and expecting a different result.
Why not take the opportunity to reinvent yourself or the band when given the opportunity ? It is just as valid an argument as is keeping on keeping on.
It has nothing to do with old school v. new school. What it has to do with is stirring the pot and arousing peoples interest. Isn\'t this why Tim plays solo shows ?(besides getting paid) How many people have seen Tim play solo only to come out and check out the Breakfast because Tim is as good as he is. Why do people go to check out his side projects etc ? Isn\'t to see what Tim et al have cooked up ?
As always this issue etc always comes down to what the guys in the band want to get out of being in the band. If they are content with what they are doing great, keep it going. If they want to get bigger and make more money and gain fans then doing the samething IMHO isn\'t going to cut it. Just as the original fanbase is getting older so is Tim, Adrian, Chris etc.
They originally changed the name for marketing purposes so why draw a line in the sand now ?