no offense ltrain, but patsy\'s = 7 out of 10 with 1 being perfection and 10 being ellios. I mean it was good, but even as a different style of pie it tasted like they rushed it a little. the dough was so thin that it would bubble and push all the sauce away leaving huge dry spots on the pie. Also, because it was so thin (we\'re talking 1/3rd to 1/2 the thickness of sally\'s) it became very crisp, but somehow tasted undercooked in parts also. Their we-insist-on-calling-a-pie-with-sauce-and-shredded-motz-a-plain was fantastic. What I would call a plain (graded cheese, garlic only) left something to be desired and the toppings were hit or miss. Onions tasted undercooked, pepperoni was incredible. Red pepper was good. Best pie was the "plain". Sauce and cheese were great, but the dough scored very very low. The place we went to years ago down in little italy was much better imo pie for pie but I\'d have the motz again here.
can\'t touch a pepe\'s though, which can\'t touch a modern, which can\'t touch a john and marie\'s which can\'t touch a bar which can\'t touch nature\'s most perfect food, sally\'s. :drool: