Haven\'t felt crowd energy like this in a while. The show had a great feel and a really happy vibe to it. Everyone seemed really happy to see eachother. I can\'t tell you how many, "Heeeeeey(s)!!!!" I heard outside before the show. Great to have you back Lexington, I totally should\'ve beaten your ass right then and there, ya know, to make up for lost time, but, uh, there\'ll be plenty of time for that....
Other than Bill\'s Bar that time, I can\'t recall seeing a 3 song set. It was so good I didn\'t even realize until Pitch said something.
Synergy fuckin\' ripped. I used to kinda have a take it or leave it attitude towards it, but the last two or three I\'ve seen have been for real, last night\'s was no execption. I could swear they changed one small part of it, I guess I\'ll have to wait and see if it was a one time thing.
Rust was ok at first and then kind went crazy at the end. It\'s funny how people interpret things differently, cuz I thought until it started to get really good there was a lot of forced playing to borrow the term, kinda jamming for the hell of it with the hopes that something magical happened. No risk, no reward. I am NOT complaining by any means.
Rufus was long awaited, though it\'s only been like 5 or 6 shows or something, it seemed to have that "FINALLY!!" feel to it judging by people\'s reactions. Shit got pretty intense. I loved the back and forth shit with Tim and Dangles resulting in them screaming together. I love that kinda stuff. Pretty serious, (I will NOT say "ser") peaks throughout the jams. Can\'t wait to hear it again.
HLH was just wild. It did take me places. I may have gotten lost a few times. Nothing wrong with that though. Christ, what do
I sound like saying something like
Clearly one of, if not
the best one i\'ve heard.
I wasn\'t in the mood for Gravity, but within a minute or two I didn\'t care. Very well played. I liked the Manteca tease, and the little bits of Merge that seeped it\'s way in for a fine segue. Merge just killed it. Jen\'s favorite song on her birthday must\'ve been pretty nice...
Taboot was a nice way to end things. Shit got pretty crazy. I hope I didn\'t smoosh anyone. Though, I grabbed and threw Paul for some reason, sorry buddy. Though totally sober, I have no idea what my problem was. Sorry if I was
that guy.
CMSS for an encore was about as good as it could\'ve been. Great way to work out any left over dancin\' that some of us had left in us. Good idea, whoever\'s it was. Got kinda hot in there after a while, I can\'t help but laugh when ya hug some one after a hot-ass show like this one and ya kinda stick to eachother for a second.
Gonna be a pain in the ass to try to see them before the Halloween run...
See ya!