This isn\'t just a one-off situation, it\'s more like a developing trend.
hasn\'t happened in quite some time.
it wasn\'t just me at harper\'s ferry though. freddiewah and nikki were also thrown out that night.
Don\'t think I remember/ever heard this story. Did you at least earn it, or were you tossed for a bullshit reason (which is the same question I ask my athletes when they get ejected from a game, by the way)?
this was around the time that i was still a youngin and at times posing as another person to get into bars. i actually was at the bar during load in and hung around inside for a while before the show. then when ron told the manager that i was doing merch and they asked for my ID, he basically escorted me out after seeing that i clearly was not "diana"...
fred got thrown out for throwing a burrito on the pool table in an attempt to hit ron spears.
i believe nikki got locked out of the back door and they wouldn\'t let her back in.
wasn\'t fun.