i never ran into it, but I heard they put a stranglehold on vid in the later days like wah was saying. a lot of venues have weird rules like this. at toads, you can buy a vhs copy of the show for $50, but it will look like shit. its the video guy that charges it, not the club per say.
you also have webster, which will give you a board patch for free, but only post fader, so if the sound guy decided he didnt want to hear rons mic and turned it all the way down, your channel will be blank. plus, you have to re-balance the whole show before you can even mix it. This is the reason most webster shows dont get 24 ch releases. matt and the boys simply dont have the time!
another one is pearl st. big$$ to do anything other than a single mic on the floor. they charged the hell out of the band for the privilage of recording bonafide.
basically, its a club by club and club employee by club employee kind of rule. yea it sucks, but if you were the only one that was going to be taping you should be able to get kroop to talk some sence into them. Most of the time its just one employee trying to make some extra cash, and as soon as the boss is brought into it the price dissapears or drops signifigantly. Its like going to cort to fight a speeding ticket. on the other side, some clubs just try to hold back everything and the best you can hope is that the band doesnt play there that much.