well, he\'s got my info, but i didn\'t get his (stupid!). haven\'t heard from him yet. will give it 2 weeks before i really start to sweat though. that \'Cut My Hair\' needs to be heard again!!
was lobster the taper? if not, why were 3 tapers there and none of them taping? :lol:
i don\'t know who lobster is. the taper\'s name was dan. he was there for the opening band, and was set up way in the back of the room. i talked him into taping the breakfast.
wayne and i both did the same thing - walked into the place, and realized after about 5 minutes that there was just nowhere to set up. i would have definitely had a bad night if i recorded, because i would have been babysitting all night. i ended up having a great time instead. the place was uncomfortably tiny, and the guy who was recording way in the back was doing so at a table full of people.