The capacity of the room the band is playing is listed as 45. I certainly hope the patio adjoins this room.
My info says 150. :shrug:
Your info is misleading. Al\'s is more like it. This place has a small wooden stage in the back patio area but folks in the entire restuarant should be able to enjoy the music.
It is a small small place and I am very surprised they got booked here. The place is more set up for acoustic shows.
btw- This place looks like they have fantastic food! :drool:
Dobz will def. not be there. Not sure, because they\'re flying out, if JUBLS is going or not.
I\'m pretty sure Crystal Bay did not have in-house light/sound guys back in 2006. 2006 Breakwest tour alumni, please correct me if I\'m wrong.
i\'ve been told great things about the CB light rig. if i\'m able to run it, i will probably do so.
Yes Crystal Bay has in house audio/lighting but when the guys were there last the inhouse guys got the day off.
If Upstate is not there I suggest Dave you just enjoy the show and let the in house guy run the rig. I am not saying you cannot do it but Movers are a bit more work than just moving a fader up and down.