im sitting here on my couch on .info at about 2:10pm sunday afternoon. its a nice day out and im home alone. i have to note that my TV is an LCD TV and we use it both as our computer monitor down here and our TV.
So im using it as my computer monitor on .info, but the sound is still on from the television program i happened to be watching, which is freestyle downhill skiing on NBC from Deer Valley, Utah. All of a sudden I start hearing a portion of the jam from New Years \'95 Reba faintly in the background and I was totally confused for about 15-20 seconds. I knew the sound was from the TV, but I couldnt believe that I would be hearing this. I thought maybe it had something to do with .info, but then I toggled back to the TV mode, rewinded it, and sure enough, they played about 30 seconds of the jam from NYE95 Reba while they were announcing the sponsors of the skiing event. "The Visa freestyle international is brought to you by..." that type of thing.
good stuff, carry on. im bored, by the way.
update, i just heard PYITE after another commercial