That expression seems to have such a negative connotation. I think selling out is awsome. Anyone with talent or a skill who doesn\'t sell out that can sellout, is an idiot. I mean would you rather *just* worry about the music and forget everything else? Like paying your bills, or buying a house, or anything else that requires being somewhat financially stable? Every popular band that you have ever heard of is a sellout. The Dead... sellout. Phish... sell out. The Rolling Stones... sellout. Metallica... sellout. Madonna... sellout. All of these could have "kept it real," and still be great musicians... you know... touring bars in a old van, eating mayonaise sandwhiches, and sleeping at rest stops. Instead, they decided to sellout and now they are playing MSG and showing off their Bentley\'s on Cribs. Of course, these are extreme examples, but the important part is that for any band to enjoy large, widescale exposure and longevity, you pretty much have to run it like a business. Make that money. Sellout.