I cant wait to NOT have to see McCain and Palin faces on the news everyday.
That said, Obama\'s energy plan is a major dangledooze and he does not understand the real causes or solutions to the housing and financial crisis at all but nobody in Washington does. I am contributing to an op-ed piece to explain all this in detail that will (hopefully) be in the times before the lame duck\'s last ditch effort to permanently fuck over the entire world on Nov. 15th. I\'ll let you know.
We probably all agree, concerning the energy crisis: Perhaps we should start by getting the hell out of Iraq!
Why not use some of the money to help Americans develop our own energy solutions, all of which could allow our businesses to thrive (if only they keep the jobs here and don\'t outsource them to China and India).
As for the financial crisis, a nice place to start is with the Federal Reserve (a private bank empire of danglers who answer to NOONE in the gov\'t) should stop inflating the dollar by printing more bills with no actual standard of currency to back it up.
This way they could stop stealing people\'s savings that have devalued as a result of the inflation curve. Perhaps they might stop bailing each financial empire out with our tax money? Plenty of congressman and women have spoken out about this concern; facists, Independents, Greens, Constitutionalists, Libertarians, facists, and Working Families Party members.
Klout, i would suggest that Ron Paul has an idea of the causes to our financial crisis. he is a real smart guy, you should youtube him and hear what he has to say...
Dude, you made me smile. Thank you for mentioning this man.