Author Topic: Is there an offical pointless election banter thread anywhere?  (Read 37492 times)


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Is there an offical pointless election banter thread anywhere?
« Reply #225 on: September 02, 2008, 03:39:37 pm »
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Is there an offical pointless election banter thread anywhere?
« Reply #226 on: September 02, 2008, 05:20:45 pm »
Nightline was pissing me off last night because they actually went into a whole thing on what people thought of Sarah Palin\'s daughter being pregnant.  Like seriously, who cares?  I\'m glad Obama took the high road and didn\'t try to turn this into a political thing.  The state of American Journalism/Politics just makes me shake my head.

This weekend Palin\'s name was brought up at a lot of parties i was at, when some circles would begin political discussions. (first off, who does that at parties, but anyways...) I honestly dont think she helps or hurts McCain.


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Is there an offical pointless election banter thread anywhere?
« Reply #227 on: September 02, 2008, 08:33:14 pm »
Quote from: SkyePrizm;201283
Nightline was pissing me off last night because they actually went into a whole thing on what people thought of Sarah Palin\'s daughter being pregnant.  Like seriously, who cares?  I\'m glad Obama took the high road and didn\'t try to turn this into a political thing.  The state of American Journalism/Politics just makes me shake my head.

This weekend Palin\'s name was brought up at a lot of parties i was at, when some circles would begin political discussions. (first off, who does that at parties, but anyways...) I honestly dont think she helps or hurts McCain.

It is relevant to some extent when she is extremely pro Abstinence Only education. So it speaks to their platform and its failures directly. But the larger issue is that it shows that McCain made a hasty ill thought out move that is actually looking like it is going to hurt him. The Husband was a member of a secessionist group, pregnant daughter, troopergate, lack of experience all of this baggage makes people sit back and ask WTF was McCain thinking. Then they see that they only met 1x before he picked her and they had only spoken by phone once or twice. It is going to hurt him with rational people.
"You can bet everything will come to an end. It's going to be ugly and it's going to be a mess, and it's going to be something that somebody did in the name of God...."

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Is there an offical pointless election banter thread anywhere?
« Reply #228 on: September 02, 2008, 08:40:17 pm »
Quote from: kindm\'s;201320
But the larger issue is that it shows that McCain made a hasty ill thought out move that is actually looking like it is going to hurt him.

Mmmm, I think just about any choice McCain made would have brought about a "damning" story mere hours later.  It\'s how the system works.  The only way he could have avoided it would be choosing someone that had gone through the gauntlet already.  The system has dirt on everyone.  It\'s the WD-40 of the system.


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Is there an offical pointless election banter thread anywhere?
« Reply #229 on: September 03, 2008, 07:12:12 am »
Quote from: kindm\'s;201320
Quote from: SkyePrizm;201283
Nightline was pissing me off last night because they actually went into a whole thing on what people thought of Sarah Palin\'s daughter being pregnant.  Like seriously, who cares?  I\'m glad Obama took the high road and didn\'t try to turn this into a political thing.  The state of American Journalism/Politics just makes me shake my head.

This weekend Palin\'s name was brought up at a lot of parties i was at, when some circles would begin political discussions. (first off, who does that at parties, but anyways...) I honestly dont think she helps or hurts McCain.

It is relevant to some extent when she is extremely pro Abstinence Only education. So it speaks to their platform and its failures directly. But the larger issue is that it shows that McCain made a hasty ill thought out move that is actually looking like it is going to hurt him. The Husband was a member of a secessionist group, pregnant daughter, troopergate, lack of experience all of this baggage makes people sit back and ask WTF was McCain thinking. Then they see that they only met 1x before he picked her and they had only spoken by phone once or twice. It is going to hurt him with rational people.

Maybe, but he did not make this pick to apease that group. This pick was to satisfy the "Reblican Base" which has never felt comfortable with him (main reason why he didn\'t win in 2000 and why Huckabee was able to stay in the race as long as he did.).

The bases reaction to the pregnacy news (which I agree should not really even be news, but whatever), is that this affirms that the Sarah Palin (and her family) are commited to pro-family values.

The only hope is that she apeals enough to middle-ground voters on the fact the she is a woman (how that matters I do not know), and that she is an anti-coruption/outside of washington/accountable gov\'t crusader.
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Is there an offical pointless election banter thread anywhere?
« Reply #230 on: September 03, 2008, 11:29:17 am »
Quote from: SlimPickens;201323
Mmmm, I think just about any choice McCain made would have brought about a "damning" story mere hours later.  It\'s how the system works.  The only way he could have avoided it would be choosing someone that had gone through the gauntlet already.  The system has dirt on everyone.  It\'s the WD-40 of the system.

I wish I remembered where I read this, so I could source it, but I read an article recently stating that, within 24 hours of Palin being announced as McCain\'s VP, "the Internet" was reporting no less than 16 different scandals of which she was a part.

"The Internet", of course, could be any website from to the rumors thread on dotinfo, but it\'s still a noteworthy fact. The only thing that the American media loves more than putting a famous person on a pedestal is destroying that pedestal once it can\'t get any taller.

Looking back, I sort of come off as a hardline facist in this thread. While that\'s not the case, I do believe that there is liberal bias in the media (excluding FoxNews, which nobody takes seriously anyway), which is why I often find myself defending facist politicians.
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Is there an offical pointless election banter thread anywhere?
« Reply #231 on: September 03, 2008, 12:32:12 pm »
If McCain wins, he\'ll be called a genius for the Palin choice.

If he loses, Palin will be blamed for the destruction of the card.


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« Reply #232 on: September 03, 2008, 12:49:32 pm »
Quote from: SlimPickens;201380
If McCain wins, he\'ll be called a genius for the Palin choice.

If he loses, Palin will be blamed for the destruction of the card.

therefore she is the perfect VP pick.*

*except that if he dies in office (which he might; this is not an age thing if obama had had various forms of cancer on-going for the last 10 years, I would say the same things about him) there will be a certafiable NUT in the whitehouse.
Apartheid: A policy of segregation and political and economic discrimination.


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Is there an offical pointless election banter thread anywhere?
« Reply #233 on: September 03, 2008, 01:00:50 pm »
i don\'t understand why anybody would vote for mccain
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« Reply #234 on: September 03, 2008, 01:09:47 pm »
Quote from: tyzack;201385
there will be a certafiable NUT in the whitehouse.

Why do you think she\'s a certifiable nut?

I\'d say if anyone might score high on the LOON chart it\'d be McCain.  I spend 8 hours a day in a three sided paded cube, with the freedom to stand up and walk around whenever I wish.  At the end of the day, I feel like a psychotic maniac.  McCain spent 5 years trapped in a box, a complete prisoner.  I don\'t care what anyone tells me, there\'s definitely something wrong in McCains head.  I just hope the truth doesn\'t come out after the red state numbskulls get him elected President and he has "Executive Privledge".


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« Reply #235 on: September 03, 2008, 01:34:48 pm »
Quote from: SlimPickens;201388
Quote from: tyzack;201385
there will be a certafiable NUT in the whitehouse.

Why do you think she\'s a certifiable nut?.

She believes in this shit:

Creation evidence musem. I don\'t care what you believe. If you want to offer a course in comparative religions, that would be a great place to discuss creationism; not a science class room.

I\'m sorry, but people who sign whole heartly onto religo-scienitific beliefs honestly scare me.

...yes, that includes Scientology, but tom cruise isn\'t the vp candidate.
Apartheid: A policy of segregation and political and economic discrimination.


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Is there an offical pointless election banter thread anywhere?
« Reply #236 on: September 03, 2008, 05:17:28 pm »
Quote from: Drew_Kingsley;201359

Looking back, I sort of come off as a hardline facist in this thread. While that\'s not the case, I do believe that there is liberal bias in the media (excluding FoxNews, which nobody takes seriously anyway), which is why I often find myself defending facist politicians.

IMO there is a right wing bias in the media. You\'d be suprised how many people take fox news seriously and it is there ONLY source for news. Rupert Murdoch\'s control over our media is probably greater than you think. Also, The A.P.\'s Washington Beuro Cheif, Ron Fournier, fluffs Mccain and trashes Obama with articles that pretty much mirror conservative talking points. He considered a job as a senior advisor for the McCain Campain last year, how is that not a conflict of interest? If that isn\'t enough to convince you of the A.P.\'s right wing bias, consider the fact that a congressional investigation recently uncovered an email Fournier sent to Karl Freaking Rove in 2004, telling him to "Keep up the fight." Keep in mind that the AP\'s storys are used by thousands of newspapers and websites like Yahoo!
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Is there an offical pointless election banter thread anywhere?
« Reply #237 on: September 03, 2008, 08:55:58 pm »
Anyone here a fan of Matt Taibbi?? I just started reading his book, pretty interesting insight on what makes this country the way it is.
This isn\'t who it would be if it wasn\'t who it is.

"Part of me suspects that I\'m a loser, and the other part of me thinks I\'m God Almighty. " -John Lennon


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Is there an offical pointless election banter thread anywhere?
« Reply #238 on: September 03, 2008, 09:18:44 pm »
Quote from: Gfunk;201414
Quote from: Drew_Kingsley;201359

Looking back, I sort of come off as a hardline facist in this thread. While that\'s not the case, I do believe that there is liberal bias in the media (excluding FoxNews, which nobody takes seriously anyway), which is why I often find myself defending facist politicians.

IMO there is a right wing bias in the media. You\'d be suprised how many people take fox news seriously and it is there ONLY source for news. Rupert Murdoch\'s control over our media is probably greater than you think. Also, The A.P.\'s Washington Beuro Cheif, Ron Fournier, fluffs Mccain and trashes Obama with articles that pretty much mirror conservative talking points. He considered a job as a senior advisor for the McCain Campain last year, how is that not a conflict of interest? If that isn\'t enough to convince you of the A.P.\'s right wing bias, consider the fact that a congressional investigation recently uncovered an email Fournier sent to Karl Freaking Rove in 2004, telling him to "Keep up the fight." Keep in mind that the AP\'s storys are used by thousands of newspapers and websites like Yahoo!

take a grammar lesson dood


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Is there an offical pointless election banter thread anywhere?
« Reply #239 on: September 04, 2008, 12:53:42 am »
Quote from: bezerker;201441
Quote from: Gfunk;201414
Quote from: Drew_Kingsley;201359

Looking back, I sort of come off as a hardline facist in this thread. While that\'s not the case, I do believe that there is liberal bias in the media (excluding FoxNews, which nobody takes seriously anyway), which is why I often find myself defending facist politicians.

IMO there is a right wing bias in the media. You\'d be suprised how many people take fox news seriously and it is there ONLY source for news. Rupert Murdoch\'s control over our media is probably greater than you think. Also, The A.P.\'s Washington Beuro Cheif, Ron Fournier, fluffs Mccain and trashes Obama with articles that pretty much mirror conservative talking points. He considered a job as a senior advisor for the McCain Campain last year, how is that not a conflict of interest? If that isn\'t enough to convince you of the A.P.\'s right wing bias, consider the fact that a congressional investigation recently uncovered an email Fournier sent to Karl Freaking Rove in 2004, telling him to "Keep up the fight." Keep in mind that the AP\'s storys are used by thousands of newspapers and websites like Yahoo!

take a grammar lesson dood

Since when did Gabo become a member of The Dot Info Grammer Gestapo? SER?
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