This venue is high class and has booked some pretty big names the past several years, including Al DiMeola, Pat Metheny, Jon Anderson of Yes, Stanley Clarke, and Al Kooper. The shows cater to the upper crust of Fairfield County society, and personally it surprises me they booked The Breakfast. Not saying it\'s a bad thing, a gig is a gig. It just seems way out of their box. That being said, you guys should be respectful. It\'s a real nice venue with a really nice staff, mostly middle agers. Try to make a good impression so that maybe this can become a regular venue for the band. It would be nice...
everyone should dress up in suits for this show and act like opera-goers.
at set break we can say things to each other like...
"superb over exposure, dont you say, chap?" (in an english accent)
"fine weather we\'re having."
"may i have your finest single malt scotch over ice?" (to the bartender)
kinda like that family guy episode where the english guys take over the drunken clam