Author Topic: Break ups  (Read 1677 times)


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« on: September 28, 2007, 07:47:10 am »
[Post inspired by Mockingbird thread, other recent events in music]

I have some opinions on this, but was curious to what y\'all thing before I respond:

What is the general opinion of the following flow of events:

A band is touring, going along strong, etc -> they break up for whatever reason -> they get back together, and, in general are not as good* as they were before?

*They can be different, but still good:
See the multiple line ups of The Grateful Dead, or Bark/Long John Silvers Jefferson Airplane, new Rusted Root.

An example of a band that should
 have stayed broken up would be Skinny Puppy or KMFDM (MDFMK counts as broken up).
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« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2007, 07:53:34 am »
kiss and the who should have stayed broken up from the tours back in the 70s when they first announced it. other bad ones were van hallen/Diamond dave and eagles reunion. I hope led zeppelin is good.
"i heard that after he crossed the finish line he proceeded to wrestle down and pin a full sized grizzly bear"- ds673488

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« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2007, 08:08:18 am »
Quote from: FrankZappa;160864
I hope led zeppelin is good.

i don\'t even know how they could use that name. i know there\'s no way in hell i could go see "them" today and say that i saw led zeppelin.

oh, and it has nothing to do with bonham either - because he can certainly hold his own behind the kit, and definitely does justice to what his father did..

but robert plant\'s voice is nowhere near what it was 30 years ago, and i cringe when i think about what some of these songs will sound like.

hey, i hope it\'s good. but they played the original live aid and were embarrassingly bad. so bad that when the live aid DVD was put together they requested NOT to be incuded (and the DVD producers went along and left them out).

sorry about the rant.


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« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2007, 08:17:13 am »
ya, i\'m pretty sure there are cover bands now a days that sound better then these guys and you don\'t have to pay 75$ to see them. then you have bands like blind melon who i thought where going to try to get back together but there is no way then can recreate that sound, nirvana.. recreated..... smashing pumpkins.....
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« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2007, 09:37:55 am »
Rusted Root never broke up and have pretty much been the same band since they started.  Jen Werts left the band for a while and re-joined a couple years back, so I wouldn\'t include them in this discussion.

As for a band that should have stopped touring, I would suggest the Beach Boys after Brian Wilson left the band and Dennis Wilson died.  Then again, I think someone should punch Mike Love and tell him that if it weren\'t for the songs that Brian wrote, there would be no Beach Boys.

If you wanted to, you could actually argue this case for The Doors (of the 21st Century) and Alice In Chains.  I can\'t speak for the later, but I did see the doors live and they were pretty good with Ian Ashbury, no Jim though.
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« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2007, 10:14:06 am »
Quote from: davepeck;160867
Quote from: FrankZappa;160864
I hope led zeppelin is good.

i don\'t even know how they could use that name. i know there\'s no way in hell i could go see "them" today and say that i saw led zeppelin.

oh, and it has nothing to do with bonham either - because he can certainly hold his own behind the kit, and definitely does justice to what his father did..

but robert plant\'s voice is nowhere near what it was 30 years ago, and i cringe when i think about what some of these songs will sound like.

hey, i hope it\'s good. but they played the original live aid and were embarrassingly bad. so bad that when the live aid DVD was put together they requested NOT to be incuded (and the DVD producers went along and left them out).

sorry about the rant.

That is true but the re-work songs for the Page and Plant album were great I thought. The "Four Sticks" with the middle eastern drummers was awesome. Plant has at least been making music since the band broke up (Honey Drippers, etc). Page not as much and I will never forgive him for working with Puff Daddy. JPJ is the unsung hero. Jason Bonham isn\'t very good. There are so many better drummers that should be behind the kit but I understand the loyalty they must have to him.

If they tour I\'ll definitely go. I doubt i\'ll win tickets for the show in the UK. Plants voice is def. not what it was but thats only a matter of re arranging the songs IMHO. Page can\'t play like he used but I still don\'t care. I am a Led Zeppelin fan. I never got to see any of them play live So I know what it must be like for all the kiddies who missed out on the Grateful Dead.
"You can bet everything will come to an end. It's going to be ugly and it's going to be a mess, and it's going to be something that somebody did in the name of God...."

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« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2007, 11:02:15 am »
anyone hear the pink floyd reunion and/or know how that went?
just curious to see if they could still rip it to the point where they\'d make other bands think they could do the same.
oh yeah, vh sux, and i am so disappointed in diamond dave (i\'ve always hated hagar).
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« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2007, 11:06:21 am »
i wish the smashing pumpkins never got back together. even though it really wasn\'t them getting back together. it was just billy corgan getting new band members and making an album that left me soooo disappointed in him.


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« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2007, 11:11:06 am »
Quote from: SkyePrizm;160906
i wish the smashing pumpkins never got back together. even though it really wasn\'t them getting back together. it was just billy corgan getting new band members and making an album that left me soooo disappointed in him.

wow. i\'m surprised. i think zeitgeist is fantastic. and "the smashing pumpkins" were never more than billy/jimmy anyways.


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« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2007, 11:15:32 am »
Quote from: kindm\'s;160879
Quote from: davepeck;160867
Quote from: FrankZappa;160864
I hope led zeppelin is good.

i don\'t even know how they could use that name. i know there\'s no way in hell i could go see "them" today and say that i saw led zeppelin.

oh, and it has nothing to do with bonham either - because he can certainly hold his own behind the kit, and definitely does justice to what his father did..

but robert plant\'s voice is nowhere near what it was 30 years ago, and i cringe when i think about what some of these songs will sound like.

hey, i hope it\'s good. but they played the original live aid and were embarrassingly bad. so bad that when the live aid DVD was put together they requested NOT to be incuded (and the DVD producers went along and left them out).

sorry about the rant.

That is true but the re-work songs for the Page and Plant album were great I thought. The "Four Sticks" with the middle eastern drummers was awesome. Plant has at least been making music since the band broke up (Honey Drippers, etc). Page not as much and I will never forgive him for working with Puff Daddy. JPJ is the unsung hero. Jason Bonham isn\'t very good. There are so many better drummers that should be behind the kit but I understand the loyalty they must have to him.

If they tour I\'ll definitely go. I doubt i\'ll win tickets for the show in the UK. Plants voice is def. not what it was but thats only a matter of re arranging the songs IMHO. Page can\'t play like he used but I still don\'t care. I am a Led Zeppelin fan. I never got to see any of them play live So I know what it must be like for all the kiddies who missed out on the Grateful Dead.

no quarter is a great album. clarksdale was a big pfffft though. I always thought coverdale page was pretty good, had that tape as a kid. Plus it had a giant picture of a merge sign on it. Every time b\'fast plays merge I think of that album. THe shit page did with black crowes was good also. Either way though, I def agree that to see a band like that now is just not the same, especially for the vocals; the singers voice is always the first to go. I\'d still go see ldz, but it wouldn\'t be like seeing them in the early 70s.

Growing up, one of my friends dads saw Led Zeppelin on the I tour at oakdale in wallingford. He said they never heard of the band and went just because it was a rock band from britian and they figured if they could afford to come over to america they must be at least half way decent. I can\'t even imagine what that must have been like. :drool:

oh, and I\'m one of those kids who never got to see the grateful dead. :finger:
"i heard that after he crossed the finish line he proceeded to wrestle down and pin a full sized grizzly bear"- ds673488

"if i listened to the distance on repeat, i\'d be wearing yellow jerseys like a motherfucker" - zuke


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« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2007, 11:32:07 am »
weezer sucked when Mikey was in the band, and sucked harder when Scott joined, bring back Matt already he\'s the heart and soul of that band!


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« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2007, 11:38:36 am »
I remember my father telling me that he saw them at MSG in 75, but it was nothing compared to when he saw The Who at the Capital Theater in Passaic, NJ - he said that it was so loud that his equalibrium was off for a couple of days.  

Anyways, I know it\'s not the Zep of old, but I\'d still go see them if I got a chance.  

Now, I\'ll give you an example of a band that never broke up, but should have quit while they were still okay - Rolling Stones.  Two of the worst concerts I\'ve ever seen.
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« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2007, 11:42:24 am »
i saw the stones they were ok, i really hope zep does some us dates, if not i am thinking about going to england, only shitty thing is it\'s a festival, right?  so you have to wait for like 20 hours seeing the worst bands ever, like floyd at live 8.


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« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2007, 12:03:36 pm »
oh yeah!
guns n\' roses have been touring with no original band members save axl, and no "chinese democracy". i don\'t even know how they\'d get booked after i saw them play that mtv reunion gig a few years back. axl just doesn\'t have his voice. an\' i love buckethead n\' all but he should be doing his own stuff and not filling in for slash.
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« Reply #14 on: September 28, 2007, 12:05:47 pm »
Quote from: solver;160920
oh yeah!
guns n\' roses have been touring with no original band members save axl, and no "chinese democracy". i don\'t even know how they\'d get booked after i saw them play that mtv reunion gig a few years back. axl just doesn\'t have his voice. an\' i love buckethead n\' all but he should be doing his own stuff and not filling in for slash.

buckethead did jordan. he can retire now. :)