Maybe I\'m alone on this, but I\'m not too impressed with RAQ. This is the first time I\'ve heard to them since the co-bill at the Webster in 2004, and I definitely thought more of them then than I do now. I don\'t want to say that this is their intent, but they sound to me a like a band trying to sound like The Breakfast and coming up a bit short. Most of the Zappa covers sounded like a spontaneous, goofy cover should sound, not one that was practiced, honed, and added to the setlist.
I don\'t mean to bash RAQ; they are still better than 90% of bands I\'ve heard recently. But from listening to this show I don\'t see how they are constantly considered comparable to or better than The Breakfast.
If anybody can point me toward a better RAQ show to listen to, I will gladly do so, but this is my opinion for now based upon my limited exposure to the band.