more (2-set) breakfast shows should be this length. the show clocked in at 2 hours, 40 minutes.
i forgot how good dobson made this band sound. the sound was incredible last night, thanks to dobs and the new setup at daniel street. the synth was loud, but i loved it. nothing like a good kick in the balls from a synth.
when the show started, i was paying minimal attention to yankees/red sox. the sox had blown it open and had a 7-2 lead. i didn\'t like the setlist at first (maybe i\'ve just been seeing too many shows lately), but that didn\'t AT ALL take away from my appreciation of how good the music was. you could tell right away that shit was about to go down. the opening SCA/jam was very unorthodox in terms of breakfast jams - something that\'s happening more and more with matt in the band - and it\'s great. the pre-chase jam was superb, followed by a fantastic version of DMB. i\'m never a GBFBITS fan, but again, i had to give it up for this one. excellent playing all around.
when Space Oddity started, i just couldn\'t wait for them to get to the jam, and when they did.... OH. BOY. at this point, i was also forced to stand sideways, as the yankees were on the verge of a comeback that i couldn\'t take my eyes off of. it was GREAT to watch an amazing comeback, along with an unbelievable soundtrack. i was throwing fists in the air for the yanks and the band, back and forth when something good happened. lots of fun!
the rufus was an A++ version as well. at the end of the first set, i said, "9.5 - and i didn\'t even like the setlist.". seriously, if i didn\'t have the setlist bias, it could have been a 10. easily.
from start to finish, set 2 was flat out silly. the HB/HLH was a lot of fun. i probably would have deducted another half-point from my score if they played a standard HB straight through. again, setlist bias. jazzy, tasty shit EVERYWHERE from matt/ad mostly, and the scheme was off the hook. it was a blast watching Mr. Cobb during this song. it was like i was watching my own reaction right in front of me. oh, not to mention that there was no break in music until just before the last song in the set! granted, tim/ron/matt got a break during the drum solo, but WOW.
i was wondering if/when the happy birthday was gonna happen, and i was starting to think about heading it up myself if it didn\'t. but it did, and then went into WTF, which i said, "eh, ok" to... heh. didn\'t quite know what was coming. tim and matt trading licks for what seemed like forever at the end of the song - each time outdoing themselves from the time before. crazy, crazy stuff. couldn\'t help but scream when it was over.
and the switch-up RITFW encore.. matt seemed a little uncomfortable on bass, but that\'s more than fine. always a blast to watch ronnie shredding the guitar, and adrian was playing the shit out of the keys. a great closer to a great, great show. 9.5/10