I only cought the second set, but, damn it was hot. Matt kicks ass. I could not have imagined a place I would have rather been tonight. Great playing, strong vibe, exciting show. Sounded great, too, after some Pat Keogh magic. Great seeing all you bFam.
Oh, we\'re starting Adrian\'s birthday celebration Thursday @ SBC. I have Adrian and Matt playing the whole show and Timmy coming by for a good long sit-in later in the evening. Show starts @ 9:30.
If any of you want to see Seanie Miller rip it up with us for a Smokin Boomers Reunion, give him a call or text him like crazy so he will come. I\'ve been trying, but its going to take help from you people. I know he\'s been in bad shape with the Arthritis, but even if he can\'t play, he can sing. That would be good enough for me. (203) 915-9916
Oh, and could one of you people with .info power throw up a thread about Thursday and the quest for a re-appearance of Seanie Miller.