they finally got the last two eppys up on on demand.. i thought both episodes were as people are saying. definitely funny moments, and too many overly dramatic ones. i really do still enjoy the show just for those few moments, but i think what we\'re seeing is that a show that just follows around a flustered funny man can only go so far as to still be realistic.
larry david is trying too hard now because all of things that made the first few seasons hilarious would probably be boring to keep regurgitating.
for fans i think this over-the-top business is a let-down, but for LD he\'s probably having a blast. it\'s more acting basically. i liked the juice of the show being improv, now it seems a bit more rigid to the storyline and too thought out.
i\'ll keep watching, but the best of Curb is clearly in the past.
leon was fantastic this episode.
definitely the funniest shit in the last two episodes.
and the freak book
was hilarious for the most part.