The Breakfast by Mike Greenhaus (Relix)
Yeah, yeah, yeah I know. You never liked jambands, you grew up listening to psy-trance and the only thing you like for Breakfast is beats. I mean it\'s not like you first saw the Breakfast back in their "psychedelic days" playing in the parking lot at Oswego \'99, watched the Connecticut-bred trio win a Jammy at the Garden in 2004 and, when you\'re slightly tipsy, accidentally refer to "Nectar\'s" as "Toad\'s Place" and "Jeff Holdsworth" as ex-keyboard player "Jordan Giangreco." But, in all seriousness, when it comes to jamming, the Breakfast knows their recipe: they keep their jams tight, their compositions quirky and their guitarist skinny and bi-speckled (just Josh Clarking you, Tim Palmieri). In fact, perhaps there is a reason why the Breakfast has outlasted most of their fourth-generation jamband brethren (if not that darn "Piper" at Spac \'04). Now if only we can figure out why they chose to name their second album Deuce