The annoying texts aren\'t even the #1 issue for me. (Though I NEVER send texts to any of those 5-digit promo numbers. You might as well call 1-900 numbers.)
The real thing for me is that I have no reason to believe any of these polls mean anything. We\'ve been doing these for 5 years and it\'s never resulted in anything. Not even back in the day when Jambase and Bonnaroo weren\'t set up to stop you from voting repeatedly and Pec\'s bots were voting thousands of times per hour and had PB way out in front. (Great times, BTW. rotfl ) Call me jaded, but has any festival that does these polls ever said, "We\'re taking the band that gets the most votes, no questions, and the live scores are posted right here for you to track." Of course they haven\'t. I think at best, the honest promoters use the poll as one of many tools in deciding who to pick. The shadier promoters will just post it to get hits on their website and to keep their fest in the front of the consumer\'s mind, then they\'ll just book whoever they want. And there\'s really nothing wrong with that, they never promised to look at the results. The super shady promoters will use the poll to send you stupid text messages and rack up your cell bill w/o even telling you. (And believe you me, they get a nice cut of those extra text fees.) So really, in the best and rarest case, these polls will be a small factor for some promoter in deciding who to book.
I\'ve held off on this post for years because I like how some fans get rallied up to vote for The Breakfast and I don\'t want to bum them out. But now that it\'s reached the point where these things actually do harm to the fans while still not helping the band, it\'s time to put the smack down.