Cool. Really puts the hurt on my python boot......
I don\'t know what that means, but that\'s f\'in funny!! Hope ya don\'t mind, I\'m gonna try to work that into conversation today. I\'ve got a department meeting @ 9.... gonna start there.
ha, cmon guy im bustin your balls, i just think your a bit negative a bit too often.... dont let leith bring you down to his level is all im sayin....
Hey Peaches, thanks for bringing a needed taint humor into this thread. It was really starting to bring me down.
I love the assumptions brought to the table by the nay sayers, like:
1. if they toured more they\'d be bigger. Maybe so, maybe not. Anyone on this board willing to put themselves $100,000 in debt to prove it?
2. the band hasn\'t paid their dues. I\'d love to see ya try to say that to a band member.
It\'s a good conversation, it just makes me cringe because a very small population of this board has walked a mile in this bands shoe\'s. And those that did, stopped after that mile. So all these opinions being shouted from atop this digital soap box are assumptions from afar. Very difficult to be right when that\'s you perspective.