Author Topic: General - Breakfast Question  (Read 9223 times)


  • Smell My Finger
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General - Breakfast Question
« Reply #60 on: July 19, 2007, 10:38:01 am »
First of all - Mark - I\'m not writing on behalf of the West Coast.  To categorize myself in everyone elses description, I\'m the A-Hole that doesn\'t go to any shows and downloads all the shows and always has something to say.  That being said, I know that the band has lives.  All I was doing was trying to see why there were few shows during the summer - just trying to get some information, not trying to start a holy war.  

As for other comments - this is a forum, right?  The forum was created for people to talk, right?  If everyone had only positive things to say about the band, it would be the same people, saying the same things, and blowing smoke up Tim, Ron and Adrians ass.  I think that the guys are create on stage and off, but in order to grow and succeed they need to expand their circle past their safe zone.  Like I\'ve said, if they want to be the biggest band in the world, great, if they want to be the next Max Creek, great, but I think they aspire for great thing and can achieve them.
The best music is essentially there to provide you something to face the world with - Bruce Springsteen


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General - Breakfast Question
« Reply #61 on: July 19, 2007, 10:40:56 am »
Quote from: kindm\'s;152797

Higher Ground

4 Night Run Block Island, Narragansett, Albany

2 Boat Cruises

Hop Bottom Arts And Music Festival; Hop Bottom, PA
camp barefoot.
Gathering of The Vibes (Someone got them on the bill)
Camp Bisco (see above)

I have been a fan a long time and I don\'t recall a summer with this much good stuff on the menu. So whoever is doing it keep up the good work. It seems to be paying off regardless of some opinions.

It certainly is a step in the right direction and many of the best bookings have been added in the last few weeks
You don\'t recall a summer with this much good stuff? Dude Summer is a time for them to be touring not jaunting around the same places they play all the time anyway. Yeah great summer for fans of the band in one central area(THE NE) not good for fans located anywhere else. as the start of this thread mentions.

Actually considering how this summer began I say it is def. a step in the right direction. They had some shows scheduled for Colorado and were trying to get West but either they opted for a better paying gig at Bisco or they didn\'t pan out. So they were trying to get out of the North East.

Camp barefoot is in Virginia and last time I checked that wasn\'t in the North East.
Considering the band has had management issues etc I think this is pretty good stuff.

Just because they haven\'t been to cali in a while isn\'t that big a deal. They have a hard enough time packing folks in here. So why if they are struggling with money would they risk driving cross country to make little to no money ?

There has been renewed buzz about the band here (ie the I-95 corridor PA, NJ, CT, NY, MA etc) it seems and I think thats great. People came down from RI to go to the NYC Boat cruise I heard. Folks at the Timmy Tour show in Katonah were yapping about it as well.

They have been added to the larger North East Festivals etc etc.

I think it is all positive.

considering the amount of positive things that have happened in a very short amount of time   I think the ship is being righted
"You can bet everything will come to an end. It's going to be ugly and it's going to be a mess, and it's going to be something that somebody did in the name of God...."

    Frank Zappa, Artist as Genetic Design Flaw,
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  • Jai Guru Deva Om
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General - Breakfast Question
« Reply #62 on: July 19, 2007, 10:41:50 am »
Quote from: Yoda;152817
As for other comments - this is a forum, right?  The forum was created for people to talk, right?  If everyone had only positive things to say about the band, it would be the same people, saying the same things, and blowing smoke up Tim, Ron and Adrians ass. I think that the guys are create on stage and off, but in order to grow and succeed they need to expand their circle past their safe zone.  Like I\'ve said, if they want to be the biggest band in the world, great, if they want to be the next Max Creek, great, but I think they aspire for great thing and can achieve them.

This is how it\'s been since day one.  Tough love=Exile in the Breakfast community.

Props Yoda....
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  • ser gravel eater
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General - Breakfast Question
« Reply #63 on: July 19, 2007, 01:03:45 pm »
Quote from: leith;152804
You don\'t recall a summer with this much good stuff? Dude Summer is a time for them to be touring not jaunting around the same places they play all the time anyway. Yeah great summer for fans of the band in one central area(THE NE) not good for fans located anywhere else. as the start of this thread mentions.

thats funny, i live all the way in Wisconsin, but it was a good Summer Breakfastwise for me.  they had the block island run planned early enough that i could fly out there and spend a few days w/ the b\'fam.  even got to hit up a TT show at Bar and munch on some ser \'za as well.  And its certainly not like i\'m independantly wealthy or anything, just took a little initiative and prioriatizing.  fuck zerflu lives out by you too, and even he knows how to drop in for a good run every once in a while.


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General - Breakfast Question
« Reply #64 on: July 19, 2007, 01:27:59 pm »
been staying out of this thread for a while.

as far as touring this summer, they are doing shows in the northeast because that\'s where most of their fans are and where they make the most money. i definitely would have hit up plenty of the shows kindm mentioned, although i am down in orlando for the summer. does anyone see me bitching and complaining about why the breakfast isn\'t touring down the east coast? no, because there is not much i can do about it.

you guys are right, negative threads like these pop up all the time, and i have started a few of them over years so i really shouldnt be saying anything but. oh well. as fans we need to be critical of the band, especially if we think they arent doing more, but in this case yoda you are off base.
Merge futhermucker just you merge You futhermucker merge merge futhermucker now

You can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a drug, especially when its waving a razor sharp hunting knife in your eye - Raoul duke - Hunter S. Thompson, Fear&Loathing

Gimme breakfast..................


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General - Breakfast Question
« Reply #65 on: July 19, 2007, 02:27:32 pm »
Quote from: kindm\'s;152819
They had some shows scheduled for Colorado and were trying to get West but either they opted for a better paying gig at Bisco or they didn\'t pan out. So they were trying to get out of the North East.

Those shows will be rescheduled. The gig at Camp Bisco will be HUGE publicity for the band.

Quote from: kindm\'s;152819
Just because they haven\'t been to cali in a while isn\'t that big a deal. They have a hard enough time packing folks in here. So why if they are struggling with money would they risk driving cross country to make little to no money ?

With gas prices the way they are, it would probably cost them three times as much as they may make.

Quote from: kindm\'s;152819
People came down from RI to go to the NYC Boat cruise I heard.
Yeah, Wheel House was their first show.

Quote from: kindm\'s;152819
considering the amount of positive things that have happened in a very short amount of time   I think the ship is being righted
:that: I don\'t want to jinx anything, but stuff seems to be coming together! I\'ve seen it before though, so...
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  • Smell My Finger
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General - Breakfast Question
« Reply #66 on: July 19, 2007, 03:17:52 pm »
Again - people are twisting what I am saying.  I started this thread because I was inquiring why there were more Side Project shows than Breakfast shows.  It\'s a legitimate question when you think about it.  This is the time of year where they can get the most exposure.  People are off from work and are more apt to go see live music.  I can appreciate how hard it is to gain any ground in this business and in the jam band community - unless you\'re the GD, Phish or any of the large acts, people other than the core community will forget your name unless you\'re out there.  The people on this site are the core community and we should be trying to bring in more and more people rather than keep the same familiar faces.  Myself, I haven\'t been to a show in ages but if I know someone that likes the style of music, I will try and turn them on to the band.  But in order to bring in more fans, they need to be out there.  I remember when I used to hang around with the PB, they would play at least 2 shows a week, but sometimes up to 5 and multiple shows a day.  But life has a funny way about throwing a wrench into plans.  All I was trying to say in my last post is, if they want to keep chugging along at the same pace, then it\'s going to be tough to move ahead.  I\'m not being an optimist or pessimist, just a realist.  I\'ll leave with this - constructive critism is not a bad thing.  If everyone told you that everything you did in life was great, then you would keep doing the same thing, but if someone gave you some constructive critism, you might try and work on that and better yourself.  And if it my statement was clear before, read this - I LIKE THE BAND AND THINK THAT THEY ARE GREAT, DO I THINK THAT THEY CAN BE BETTER, YES!
The best music is essentially there to provide you something to face the world with - Bruce Springsteen


  • bron bron bachinski
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General - Breakfast Question
« Reply #67 on: July 19, 2007, 03:32:28 pm »
1) for some reason I think Yoda forgot to switch his screen name to OMC.

2) I miss, much less drama (well except the ill-famous incident)
"Okay everybody, for my next miracle, I\'m going to turn water into funk!"


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General - Breakfast Question
« Reply #68 on: July 19, 2007, 03:35:34 pm »
ill-famous incident? please expand for those of us who were late registers to the
Merge futhermucker just you merge You futhermucker merge merge futhermucker now

You can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a drug, especially when its waving a razor sharp hunting knife in your eye - Raoul duke - Hunter S. Thompson, Fear&Loathing

Gimme breakfast..................


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General - Breakfast Question
« Reply #69 on: July 19, 2007, 03:36:27 pm »
Quote from: Rujah;152840
ill-famous incident? please expand for those of us who were late registers to the

i think enough has been said on the topic. move on.


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General - Breakfast Question
« Reply #70 on: July 19, 2007, 03:42:35 pm »
ok, i must have missed it
Merge futhermucker just you merge You futhermucker merge merge futhermucker now

You can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a drug, especially when its waving a razor sharp hunting knife in your eye - Raoul duke - Hunter S. Thompson, Fear&Loathing

Gimme breakfast..................


  • Smell My Finger
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General - Breakfast Question
« Reply #71 on: July 19, 2007, 03:46:43 pm »
I\'m not OMC and I was on also under the screen name RYDB.  I may not have been around recently, but I\'ve been around.
The best music is essentially there to provide you something to face the world with - Bruce Springsteen


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General - Breakfast Question
« Reply #72 on: July 19, 2007, 04:59:48 pm »
Yoda you kind of knew what was going to happen with this thread did you not?

I have tried in earnest to be positive about the direction of the band and have failed miserably due to many reasons but mostly because I am resigned to the fact that the band does not care to make it any larger than they have.
 I truly believe that The Breakfast will never be a true national touring band because they do not want to be. Sure they will make occasional trips out to this coast and the midwest but will never be the type of band that actually leaves home for months on end to bring their music to as many people as possible. They never have been and I do not see them changing that drastically in their touring philosophy.
 I will continue to be a fan of the band\'s music because they are great but my expectations for this band will never be met and I will have to deal with only actually seeing the band every couple of years. I guess that\'s the one thing I have to regret abt living out here. Well not so much regret really.
Worrying is like praying for something you don't want.


  • w0okadactyl fo\' life
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General - Breakfast Question
« Reply #73 on: July 19, 2007, 05:22:03 pm »
Quote from: Yoda;152835
Again - people are twisting what I am saying.  I started this thread because I was inquiring why there were more Side Project shows than Breakfast shows.  It\'s a legitimate question when you think about it.  This is the time of year where they can get the most exposure.  People are off from work and are more apt to go see live music.  I can appreciate how hard it is to gain any ground in this business and in the jam band community - unless you\'re the GD, Phish or any of the large acts, people other than the core community will forget your name unless you\'re out there.  The people on this site are the core community and we should be trying to bring in more and more people rather than keep the same familiar faces.  Myself, I haven\'t been to a show in ages but if I know someone that likes the style of music, I will try and turn them on to the band.  But in order to bring in more fans, they need to be out there.  I remember when I used to hang around with the PB, they would play at least 2 shows a week, but sometimes up to 5 and multiple shows a day.  But life has a funny way about throwing a wrench into plans.  All I was trying to say in my last post is, if they want to keep chugging along at the same pace, then it\'s going to be tough to move ahead.  I\'m not being an optimist or pessimist, just a realist.  I\'ll leave with this - constructive critism is not a bad thing.  If everyone told you that everything you did in life was great, then you would keep doing the same thing, but if someone gave you some constructive critism, you might try and work on that and better yourself.  And if it my statement was clear before, read this - I LIKE THE BAND AND THINK THAT THEY ARE GREAT, DO I THINK THAT THEY CAN BE BETTER, YES!

Yoda, I believe the simple is that they can make more money playing local then taking a risk going on the road right now and losing money or playing to empty rooms. They have debts that need to be paid off. That is the simple answer why you see more side project shows than Breakfast shows.

We might not agree on this but this is the closest any of us will know until the band and/or management answers this riddle.
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  • Taqueria Overexposure
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General - Breakfast Question
« Reply #74 on: July 19, 2007, 05:44:01 pm »
Quote from: TreyChica;152820
Tough love

Tough love was what I was going to say.

Leith posting against the grain (though I cringe to admit it ;)) can be healthy for the board.  His link between touring/success is a perspective, whether it is currently feasible or not.  Why the surprise when all posts do not come served with a cherry on top?

Personally, I enjoy a heaping of Breakfast whenever I can get it and hope to be back for another run in the next couple months (though I\'m not sure the next location can top Block Island).
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